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For those who have detected a good gold area after a forest fire you know how great it can be to have all that brush out of the way. Exposing gold that has been undetected is what it's all about.

Last year we put out the map of the Greaterville Forest fire burn. Several of you took advantage of that burn and reaped the Golden reward.

Now Ruby has made a burn map of the Gladiator fire in the Bradshaw mountains. It's going to be a few weeks before you can get into those burned areas to detect but now is the time to make your plans. As those who have detected these burns before know it won't be long before all those annoying grass clumps and bushes grow back with a vengeance and once again obstruct your access to all those long hidden nuggets.

Please be careful when entering these burned areas. Hidden root balls and logs can still be smoldering at very high temps even a month after a fire. Watch where you step and never assume the ground to be solid without testing. A badly burned foot is not worth even the largest of nuggets.

This is a small version of the Gladiator Fire BEEP THE BURN! Map. Click on the link below to get the free giant wall sized map with much greater detail.



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Thats a real bummer that this had to happen. :(

It looks like it got the Peck mine? Dad and I used to go back there and visit Kelly at the Assay house he lived in. Since then Kelly has passed.

Also looks like it got the Desoto mine.

Sure aint gonna look the same for a long time.

Tom H.

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Yeah it sucks Tom, but it didn't have to happen. I've been going up there since the early 70's. This is what years of forest "management" do for us.

I'm sitting on the edge of the biggest fire in New Mexico history right now. 290,000 acres and counting. It would be a lot more but we lost 88,000 acres last year. :(  The entire Gila Wilderness, the first in the nation, has been burned down in two short years. Nice job of "management" huh?

"Management" here is so advanced that they poisoned the Gila river last year to eliminate all the non-native fish species. It wasn't enough poison so now all we have are sucker and carp. No trout, no crawdads, no young, no fry , no fingerlings. Nobody even knew there were carp in these rivers until they killed all the other fish. All this in a wilderness area.

None of this will ever look the same again. It never should have looked like it did anyway. Government "management" has killed our forests. If these jokers had been a real business they would have been extinct years ago.

So what can we do? Go beep up some gold, and the next time you meet one of those "managers" give them a salute - and I don't mean a tip of the hat.

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Yeah it sucks Tom, but it didn't have to happen. I've been going up there since the early 70's. This is what years of forest "management" do for us.

I'm sitting on the edge of the biggest fire in New Mexico history right now. 290,000 acres and counting. It would be a lot more but we lost 88,000 acres last year. :( The entire Gila Wilderness, the first in the nation, has been burned down in two short years. Nice job of "management" huh?

"Management" here is so advanced that they poisoned the Gila river last year to eliminate all the non-native fish species. It wasn't enough poison so now all we have are sucker and carp. No trout, no crawdads, no young, no fry , no fingerlings. Nobody even knew there were carp in these rivers until they killed all the other fish. All this in a wilderness area.

None of this will ever look the same again. It never should have looked like it did anyway. Government "management" has killed our forests. If these jokers had been a real business they would have been extinct years ago.

So what can we do? Go beep up some gold, and the next time you meet one of those "managers" give them a salute - and I don't mean a tip of the hat.


I hear ya....I actually work for the Gov. as a mechanic. I know what you mean if they were in business for a profit....they would be belly up in 6 months! It comes from people in charge making descisions that have no idea of whats really going got me started....STOP....breath deep....

Like you say...make the best of a bad situation...go out and beep some gold.

Good luck to you.

Tom H.

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Thats a real bummer that this had to happen. :(

It looks like it got the Peck mine? Dad and I used to go back there and visit Kelly at the Assay house he lived in. Since then Kelly has passed.

Also looks like it got the Desoto mine.

Sure aint gonna look the same for a long time.

Tom H.

I knew Kelly and spent a lot of good times up there with him until he moved to Cleator for the heavy winter snows and never moved back. Remember Hung Low his pot bellied pig. The man dug his own grave out behind the cabin just in case he needed it one day. Lots of good stories of Alaska from him and he always showed you his mastadon tooth from there. Had a lot of silver coins from the ghost town of Alexadria that was down the trail a bit. Was shocked when he shot himself on his porch but he lived and died on his on merits. Lots to detect up there when we can get back in once again for sure.

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I knew Kelly and spent a lot of good times up there with him until he moved to Cleator for the heavy winter snows and never moved back. Remember Hung Low his pot bellied pig. The man dug his own grave out behind the cabin just in case he needed it one day. Lots of good stories of Alaska from him and he always showed you his mastadon tooth from there. Had a lot of silver coins from the ghost town of Alexadria that was down the trail a bit. Was shocked when he shot himself on his porch but he lived and died on his on merits. Lots to detect up there when we can get back in once again for sure.


I dont remember his pig.I do remember all the deer skulls from what he pouched and ate. We visited him in the 80-90s.

We also used to visit the guy that would put the cable across the road. His house was perched on the side of a hill overlooking alexanderia. Good Lord, we went in there one time and I thought the whole thing was going to slide off at any moment. Everything was saging and making noises as you walked around.

I also remember the coins Kelly had. Then there were the holes in his screened porch where he shot the squirls.

We did warn him about his drinking water and garden . He was drinking from a well downstream from the mill.

He was showing us one time that he found about a quart jar of mercury from the mill upstream.

Well, like you say, he lived and died on his own merits.

Quite a charicter. :)

Tom H.

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Wow Clay that's the best map I've seen of the Gladiator fire. I didn't realize it was getting that big! Even on the TV news they just show a bunch of smoke from a distance. It reminds me of those so called controlled Fed burns in Colorado. They have been burning down that state for years. They always seem to pick a bad time to light them? makes you wonder. AzNuggetBob

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