Discovery of old Mining Camps in Arizona, Parts 1-3

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Hello All,

Here is a three part video of Arizona Mining Camps. I discovered these camps out exploring the Arizona desert. Sometimes these camps can lead you into lode or placer gold areas. The first couple videos show some smaller camps that show bottles and cans, but the last video shows some larger camps and then a few prospects where the old-timers were poking around on some shallow vein systems.

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Hope you enjoyed.

Rob Allison

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Hey Rob

In video #1 the glass looks to be depression era. Or around the 1920's-30's There was a gold rush around that time because of lack of jobs.

It's not hard to date these dumps. I prefer to go by the glass. the cans didn't change as much as glass over the years and are harder to date.

The early cans had a soldered lip (yummy) :blink: and of the newer one have a rolled lip.

The types of glass can be dated by the color, manufacturing method. hand blown or applied lip, pontil bottom,even bubbles in the glass.

The large dump has me bit puzzeled. The old time miners relyed more on staples and dry goods. canned items were a luxury.

so a dump this large indicates a lot of people or a long stay. I dont see any whiskey bottles so not a saloon.

If there's not a lot of mining in the area of that dump it could be site of old telegraph line shack or an old stage stop,

and a great place to find some coins or tokens.


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Nice Videos thanks. I also look for old mining camps, and trash while out. I put together a cheat sheet in word, which shows the dating on a lot of stuff found in the desert. I came across the mining camp out in the middle of nowhere , miles from a road, and found a few nuggets also around this camp. The other pictures kind of show you the dating process for nails, and bottles. A lot of bottles I find are from the depression era, and have the federal law forbids sale or reuse of this bottle, and they are typically made from 1932-1964.





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