GLADIATOR;Lots of roads closed.

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Made it back thursday and tried to reach the battle flat area. Just as I arived at turkey creek to go south on the senator the forest service was closing the gate and locking it off due to a new lightening caused fire2 miles south of Goodwin.I went back to where I was on monday and tuesday at a high ancient streambed and got 2 nuggets each over a gram.Hit them fairly early .The weather was really nice and I would have stayed there all day but my dog found a rattle snake in a pile of rock where I was hunting so I let him have his privacy.Most of the two track rds. heading towards the burn are now closed.I took some good pics but I'm having trouble posting them if anyone can help please do.I don't have a problem posting pics. on ebay'I'm using a Kodak play touch.


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Glad you got some more gold :)

Boy, that area is getting hit this year..fires,floods....probably going to have a earthquake too.

I sent you a PM about the pics

Tom H.

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