To Ray Mills - trinityau

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Hey Ray,

I seen you posted this on another thread -

Hey Rob, those are some nice pieces. I just looked at the online store and was very surprised with what I saw. I have not had occasion to go to the online store in a while and I found it to be fantastic. You out did yourself on the store. If anyone else has not looked at the store lately you need to. Rob has done a great job with the layout and has made it really easy to find what you may be looking for. I like it, TRINITYAU/RAYMILLS

I just wanted to personally thank you for those comments. The online store has been a great addition. I have tried to make it as easy as possible to find stuff on the site by product or manufacture. Majority of the buyers seem to agree, very easy to find stuff and order. We also have one of the top online credit card gateways for any type of fraud. It's amazing in just one year how much fraud was attempted, but none of it was processed.

Hope you're outing finding some nice gold. Hope to see you contributing on the this forum more. You have always been a major contributor and a wealth of information for anyone looking to get started in this great hobby of ours.

Your friend,

Rob Allison

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