Arizona Hobby

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  • New guy here. I've only recently learned of this hobby/obsession and ran it by the wife. It sounds like a fun outdoor activity we can do together once we live out in AZ full time. I've read a lot on here and elsewhere on the net but still need advice as to which detector we should buy. I'm mostly interested in nugget hunting in the AZ desert as a hobby -nothing serious. Since thisis just a hobby (one of many), Id like to keep the price under $1k. (Paging Rob) Anyone with suggestions as to what machine will best suit our needs? From what I've read here and search results for reviews, I am leaning toward the GB Pro. Thanks everyone!
  • James

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  • Admin

Hey James,

Welcome to the forums. This is a great hobby to keep in shape, relieve stress and potentially find some nice treasures (gold nuggets, meteorites, coins, relics or interesting trash).

There are a handful of detectors for under $1000 -

The ones that I support and carry are the following for gold nugget hunting -

  1. Minelab X-Terra series, most popular X-Terra 705 Gold - $729.00
  2. Minelab Eureka Gold - $1049.00
  3. Fisher Goldbug - $499.00
  4. Fisher Goldbug 2 - $765.00
  5. Fisher Goldbug Pro - $649.00

Tesoro, White's & Garrett are other manufactures that also have detectors for under $1000.

Hope this helps. Don't hesitate to call us anytime if you have questions - 623-362-1459

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Thanks Rob. The reviews for the GBII and GB Pro seem pretty positive but the ML Eureka Gold reviews are all over the map.

Does anyone on the forum have experience with more than one of these under 1k detectors who will share their opinions and preferences? I'm still trying to learn the advantages of the different units and coils so I have a better idea what will work best for us. Thanks for any info anyone is willing to share.


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Hi James, dont take this the wrong way, Im just trying to help. This exact topic comes up all the time on all the forums. Using the search should give you plenty of ammo. My oponion is go with the gb pro...simplist, easiest to learn and will find the gold.Ray

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No problem Deathray. I've searched all I can on Google but searching the forums is really sketchy on my tablet since the new OS upgrade. It is almost impossible to reply to a thread too. When I click in the box the keyboard comes up but the page goes to the top so I can't even see what I'm typing. BTW, I've been a lot meaner to people on Pirate 4x4 for not using the search function so no offense taken! I gave my wife my home computer not knowing I'd have so much trouble with the tablet. Is there a forum app that works well on this site? Maybe Tapatalk or Forum Runner? If anyone has experience with a forum ap for Android, please chime in. I didn't want to bother you guys with a newb question but I was struggling. I'm on my work pc now because the tablet was killing me, but don't want to make a habit of it.



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Hi James,

A VLF is a popular/good way to start. Stick with a proven brand that holds its resale value.

If gold nugget hunting is the goal, then stay away from the multi purpose units.

Most of the long timers have at least 2 detectors A Minelab PI and a Gold Bug 2

IMHO, I'd save up a bit longer and get a used Minelab PI unit to start with.

What ever you choose be sure to buy from a local dealer that offers training and support. AND join a prospecting club.

Best of Luck!

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Thanks Chris.

I do plan to buy from Rob since he's in AZ. I will want some training and he seems like the right guy. I think I will buy a cheapo detector for while I'm still stuck in Illinois and buy a better one for nuggets once I get out to AZ. I will do some reading on the PI units before I pull the trigger for a new detector too. I'm trying to avoid buying one of the top, more expensive units while I don't intend to be too serious with this. If I try it and get hooked, it may be time to invest in a better unit.

Thanks for your input and suggestions.


There is a minelab excaliber 2 on c list right now with some upgrades for $975. I am considering snatching it up to hunt for coins here if I can trade it in later on a nugget hunter for out west. Reviews look pretty positive on this unit even on land.

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James if you have never detected you may want to buy in under $ can get many excellent coin hunting machines for that...a Tesoro silver seeker is one...that way you can learn how a detector works, find coins and jewellery to pay for your batteries and fund your next detector...there should be many, many places for old coins and goodies in your area...

Or for $650 you could buy the Gold Bug Pro which some have described as very good for hunting jewellery...and then you would be ahead of the curve when you get to Az...


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