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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello All, I swore I wouldn't tell until "the person" made the announcement. I'm sure it will shock a few! A matter of fact, someone last night purchased one also and I was shocked that they wanted one also. Now it's actually two, but who? Rob Allison
  2. Hello All, This year on the 24k Gold Hunters Claims I have met a bunch of wonderful people. Many of them have become customers and more inportantly great friends. One of these special friends is Ralph Bond. Ralph is part of claims security on the claims and one hell of a person to know. I was just informed tonight Ralph will be heading back home. Funny, when you know someone is around you don't think much about it, but the minute they are leaving you wish you would have spent more time with them. When I heard Ralph was leaving, it hit me right in the heart. Ralph's good friend and partner, Jim W. sent these pictures to me. The first one is a picture of Ralph, and the second is the gold he found on the 24K claims. Hey Ralph old buddy, I will never forget you. Make sure you come back next year. Wish I could have spend more time detecting with you. Now I have to hang around the "Great White Skunk!" Wishing you the best health and wellness. Jim and I will be looking foward to seeing you next year. I promise to leave a few nuggets behind. Take care buddy, Rob Allison
  3. Hello All, I'm not going to say what, or who , but tradition was broken yesterday!!! Someone is a new GPX-4000 owner, which might be just the shocker when you know ..... More to come ... Rob Allison
  4. Hello John, The detector shipped today UPS Ground. I was hoping you would get it before the weekend, but since UPS don't work on Friday then said it would be Monday. The Minelab GP3000 is a great detector. I personally found pounds of gold with mine over the 2-3 years I used it. You got a smoking deal if you ask me, so Thank Leaverite for that deal! I'm just the middle man here .... If you have any questions with the detector don't hesitate to call, email or PM me. It won't be long and you will be digging gold nuggets up with it. Great talking with you and hope we can do business again in the future. Wishing you the best out there, Rob Allison
  5. Hello Guys, I think Mexico is a beautiful Country. A friend of mine spent 9 years over there hunting gold nuggets and done very well. He left me all the maps, GPS locations and even some contacts, but I have yet to even attempt it. It just seems to risky to me even when I have all the information to go right to a bunch of patches that have only seen SD's. My friend never had one problem there, he said to go from point A to point B and don't mess around. However, you just never know when you might get stopped. I'm sure there is a bunch of gold left there and less Minelab's, but I feel much safer here even if I have to hunt harder. Take care, Rob Allison
  6. Hello Rod, Just sent it about 15 minutes ago. Had a couple of customers over tonight purchasing detectors. Leaverite is now into a Minelab GPX-4000! Thanks for the business, Rob Allison
  7. Hello SkipperBill, You shouldn't have a problem getting the "Pop-Up" Trailer to the lower portion of the claims. Once you turn into the claims and cross over Weaver Creek you will head up the road maybe a 100 yards or so and then be in a large flat area. This might be the best place to camp to start. You might be able to get the rig further up the road, but I would first walk it to be safe. Not certain what type of clearance you might have on your Pop-Up. Wishing you the best of luck up there! Rob Allison
  8. Hello Montana Bob, I have a couple of virgin patches I never shown anyone that are laced with ironstones. Most of the ground is shallow, but contained handfuls of small nuggets. I pretty much had to just kick the ironstones and then recheck the signals. From time to time I would kick an ironstone and a nugget would be right below or next to the ironstone. Any suggestions for an area like this? You mentioned the "Smooth" mode work well on Basalts, but does it do much on actually Bradshaw Ironstones? I'm interested in taking the GPX-4000 to a couple of these spots to see what it will turn up. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  9. Hello Stealth, I've always heard stories about Li-ion batteries exploding, but never seen a video on it. Very interesting video to say the least. I guess the advantage of the "Pocket Rocket" batteries is the fact they are not encased in metal, so you would see them smoke first and could get them away from you. Overall, Li-Ion batteries are really reliable. I'm not sure it's that easy to force them back into an unstable state where they will explode. Like all products, I'm sure the manufacture has weighed in the liability factor and feel they are safe for normal day-to-day use. By any means, I'm not a battery expert, so others feel free to jump in. Take care, Rob Allison
  10. Hello Russ and Johnny, Do they allow you to bring a Teddy Bear to jail? Please make sure you all mail me letters, I will need material to read and some crap paper! P.S. I sure hope they will make me a Cheese Crisp from time to time. Rob Allison
  11. Hello Uncle Ron, The 24K Board meeting was canceled last night due to a couple of board members being sick. I would only assume they are going to push number 5 this weekend. Kind of been out of touch with Elly and the board this last week. If you hear something let us know. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  12. Hello Goldstudmuffin, Missed you call late last night. Had a field evaluation ealier that day, so I was toast last night. Still feeling the soreness this morning. I've thought about purchasing a good rock saw, but at the current time I don't have one. I think the "Oman Outlaw" might have one. I will try to touch base with you tonight or tomorrow. Congrats once again on the great find. Rob Allison
  13. Hello Chris, I happened to notice the smaller vein coming in from the top and was curious if that has something to do with the gold being right there. Thanks for explaining that situation that can happen in the vein systems. Just imagine how much gold is still under the surface encased in rock ... Take care, Rob Allison
  14. Hello Guys, I tried the site late last night and also got the "Trojan Horse" Virus warning. I had to run the full Norton Anti-Virus scan twice to get it off my computer. I really don't want to go through all that again, so if someone would please post here when it's back online I would appreciate it. Thanks, Rob Allison
  15. Hello Goldstudmuffin, I was just razzing you a bit. However, congrats on the amazing meteorite find. I don't know much about that particular meteorite, but sounds like a rare one. P.S. Any chance you can pull the knife out of my back now? Take care, Rob Allison
  16. Hello John, I sure hope someone didn't try a virus attack on them. Someone always tries to screw with someone's hard work. I back my forum up at least 3 times per day just in case I get knocked out. Hope they are back online soon, Rob Allison
  17. Hello Digger, That's one beautiful gold nugget your friend found. I'm about due for a multi-ouncer I think ... Gubelube - Mark is going to purchase a GPX-4000. Are you the person purchasing his GP3000? You're getting one smoking deal on that detector with the new "Pocket Rocket" included. Take care, Rob Allison
  18. Hello Kelly, If I find one even half that size we can both dig it up! I'm not greedy, a couple hundred ounces of specimen gold is fair right? Wishful thinking, Rob Allison
  19. Hello Lamar, The Minelab GPX-4000 is amazingly quiet to start with. One feature you have on the GPX is the "Smooth" mode, which works extremely well in high iron enriched areas and volcanics. I pesonally haven't tried the "Smooth" mode as of yet, but have some spots I would love to test at. I believe Bob "Montana" Dansie has tried the GPX-4000 on some ground in S. California that is capped with Basalts. Sounded like the GPX in the "Smooth" mode worked well there, much better than prior GP series. Sounds like you might sacrifce a bit of depth, but you might make it back up not hearing other false targets such as the Basalts. Maybe Bob will elaborate more on this. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  20. Hello All, Anyone have trouble accessing the AZO Forum? I had it saved in my favorite and check it about 15 minutes ago and the Norton Anti-Virus popped up and said the site had a virus. Looks like the site is also down ... Anyone else experience this problem or virus alert? Rob Allison
  21. Hello Russ, Congrats on finding out what type of meteorite that actually was. Hope you and Scotty can find more pieces in the surrounding area. You know what I think about taking the "Oman Outlaw" in there. Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hello NorthOceanBeach, I carry everything you're talking about from the accessories to the detectors. The SD2100v2 is a great detector. I would highly recommend the Coiltek Li-Ion "Pocket Rocket" Battery System. This system will increase the detector's voltage to a regulated 7.3v over the stock 6v. The problem with the SD series is the fact they are not regulated, so once the stock lead-acid battery starts to drop in voltage you also start to sacrifice some performance (stability, audio, sensitivity & depth). You will need to upgrade the headphones in my opinion. The SD2100v2 comes with "El-Cheapo's." I would upgrade to the Koss-UR30's or if you're really wanting a good pair, consider the DetectorPro Black Widow Headphones. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  23. Hello Bob, I was going to suggest the DeTacc that runs off a separate battery. However, I would also prefer to have it run off the main power supply then it's own separate battery. I also agree with your statement about turning the settings & gain down in highly mineralized ground conditions. People always talk about more depth, but more depth can be achieved in nasty ground if you can get a detector to run dead quiet! This is just another reason I love the GPX-4000. Save a few of those old ironstone patches for me! Rob Allison