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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Lamar, Actually it's not my special, but the price from Minelab. The original price on the battery was $499, but Minelab decided to change the price down to $349.95 for a spare Li-Ion battery. Take care, Rob Allison
  2. Hello All, Just wanted to let you all know the price on the Li-Ion Battery for the GPX-4000 has been reduced down to $349.95 your price. This is right in the ballpark of all the other Li-Ion Battery systems on the market today. Currently, the Li-Ion Batteries and Power Cords for the GPX-4000 are on backorder, but are expected soon. Just wanted to update you all, Rob Allison
  3. Hello Jim, To my knowledge its pretty much set in stone that both you and Joan won a FREE 24K Membership for the following year. Funny, Bob, Joan's husband actually found the first nugget, but didn't tell Larry about it right away. Within no time Joan found her nugget and announced it as the first nugget. Bob, started to question Larry about why he didn't win and then heard it was his wife that won the membership! Bob and Joan are both great people and master nugget hunters. Elly will probably just tack on an extra year in the computer so you might not actually receive anything. You will probably just get the new badge next year with the extended membership. However, I could be wrong, so don't quote me on this. Take care, Rob Allison
  4. Hello Mike, No problem with picking up the detectors. I'm just having them shipped since it will be a large shipment. I should have them early next week at the latest. I'm hoping to hear some good feedback from you and maybe some others that will be using the new GPX-4000's up there. I would hope you're going to take it back to your famous BB patch, right? Wishing you all the best of luck up at Gold Basin this weekend. Hoping to see some nice gold and meteorite finds on the forum soon. Take care, Rob Allison Hello Lamar, From what I have heard from people testing the machine right now it does have some features that make a difference. I won't know for sure until I get it out and over some old patches. I have a couple places in mind right now. If the GPX-4000 is getting more true depth I should be able to pluck a few nuggets from these patches. I'm also excited to know that you can use a mono coil across nasty ground with some of the ground balance features on the GPX-4000. I was never impressed with the performance of the DD coils. Hope to know more soon, Rob Allison
  5. Hello Way2cool, The closest dry camping facility with hookups would be the LDMA Camp at Stanton. However, there are miles of BLM ground surrounding Rich Hill where you can camp up to 14 days at a time. Not sure if you're going to just camp out of a trailer, 5th wheel, truck or tent, or if you're asking about camping where you can hook up your rig? Plenty of spots to just pull of the main dirt road and camp though. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  6. Hello Mike, Talked with Dick Shultz earlier today from Minelab. He wanted to know if I was going to pick up my bundle of GPX's this weekend at the outing. I won't be able to make the Nuggetshooter outing since I have another workshop. This same thing happened last year also and I had to miss the last outing. You have room for 10 GPX's in your truck? If you get a chance, report back here after the weekend and let me know how the GPX-4000 performed for you. I'm sure you're going to like it from all the feedback I heard from the testing in Australia and here in the US. Take care, Rob Allison
  7. Hello Mike, Thanks for posting the link. I actually have one of the brochures for the GPX-4000, but only seen where it says 9.2ah 7.4 volts. Are you planning on upgrading to the new unit? Rob Allison
  8. Hello Mike, You're very welcome! Hope you're able to find some good color at some of those spots. Good friend lives up in the Carolina's, but he had a lot of trouble trying to access the better spots. Most of them seemed to be on private ground from what he mentioned. He ended up selling his Minelab SD2100 due to the access issue and very few good spots to hunt. Take care, Rob Allison
  9. Hello Guys, Just walked with Glenn and he mentioned he ran out to the pushes this morning and done some hunting. He found a small nugget in push 5 right away. Sounds like nuggets are still being found by the methodical nugget hunters! Be interesting to see how push 1 turns out this weekend? I only know of one or two nuggets found there and had much higher hopes for it. The dozer operator don't know much about gold, so I'm hoping someone will give him some advice on pushing depth and what to look for. Take care, Rob Allison
  10. Hello Jonathan Porter, I looked at the spec sheet on the GPX-4000 and it mentions the battery is a 9.2ah 7.4v system. Do you know if the Minelab Li-Ion Battery is 12v or is it like the Coiltek Li-Ion System and running 7.3-7.4 volts? Thanks for the help in advance, Rob Allison
  11. Hello All, Just wanted to let you know that the new Minelab GPX-4000 is running on a 7.4 volt Li-Ion Battery. There was some speculation about lower and higher voltages. The battery will weigh 870g and will last 12+ hours. Looks like Jonathan Porter is testing the new machine right now in Australia. Maybe he can give us some more information and how it's performing. Can't wait to get my hands on for some testing here in Arizona. Take care, Rob Allison
  12. Hello Jmax, As for the Minelab PI's that are still available for sale (new), they would be the SD2100v2, SD2200v2, GP3500 and the new GPX-4000. The GP Extreme and GP3000 have been discontinued, but are great detectors also. The GP series detectors will find much smaller gold, smaller gold at depth and get a bit more depth over the stock SD series. There's a lot of debate when it comes to the modded SD's vs. the GP series. The SD2100v2 is a great detector for the price. I've seen the older models sell for as low at $800 on Ebay and some of the gold forum classifieds. The SD2200v2 is pretty much the same circuitry as the SD2100, but just with more features such as Auto Tracking, Discrimination, Auto Tuning and a few more minor features. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  13. Hello Earl, Yep, it was great finally getting to meet you and your family. I think that is awesome your Son found that nugget in the push. I heard all about it later in the day when I came down. Looked like your Son and Daughter really enjoyed being out there. Hope to bump into you again either in the gold or meteorite fields. Take care, Rob Allison
  14. Hello, Any chance you can tell me how the "Beer" setting works? I might use the Beer and Woman Selection more than expected! Take care, Rob Allison
  15. Hello Jmax, The Minelab GP3000 has been discontinued for some time, but is a great detector. The Minelab GP3000 came out after the GP Extreme and is the detector right before the GP3500. I found pounds of gold with the GP3000, so I know it's a great detector. A matter of fact, my partner still uses the GP3000 and found over a pound of gold at Moore Creek, Alaska this year in one weeks time! However, I believe he's going to upgrade to the new GPX-4000 since he held off on the GP3500. Do you personally own a GP3000? Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  16. Hello Guys, I'm for one glad Minelab keeps up on technology. Minelab being a big part of my business I have to use every machine and learn it well to answer questions. I've spent time on all the Minelab since the early GT15000. I've probably had the best success so far with the SD2100, GP Extreme and GP3500. I've found a lot of gold with the other machines, but found the most with these three detectors listed. I'm very excited to get my hands on the new GPX-4000. I have no plans on selling my personal GP3500 metal detector. I'm very in tune with this unit and feel it's still the best gold detector on the market until I can prove out the GPX-4000. I'm confident enough to know if there are gold nuggets around I will find them with the GP3500. I think the added voltage on the GPX-4000 could potentially mean more gains in depth. I don't care much about sensitivity, since the GP3500 could find nuggets down to under a grain. I'm sure the GPX-4000 will hold the same sensitivity level, probably even better. I saw a claim where the Minelab GPX-4000 was getting approx. 4 more inches of depth over the GP3500. I'm not sure if this is a solid claim or not, but it's going to be interesting to test out. I have several patches already in mind to test for depth capabilities. I know regardless of what the dealers have to say about it (before and after testing) there will still be skeptical people and people that dwell on "bashing detectors." Funny, the ones that do the most bashing are using Minelab detectors .... Go Figure. I'm also glad to hear that all the aftermarket searchcoil will work on the new GPX-4000. I would hate to know I couldn't use my trusty old Coiltek 14-inch round or my Coiltek Joey Mono for tiny bits of gold. I'm looking forward to reporting back my finding on the new GPX-4000. On another note, I'm very honored to have friends like Steve Herschbach and Reg Sniff contribution on my gold forums. Both of these guys are great friends and I truly enjoy hunting gold with them. Reg is a huge knowledge base, especially when it comes to detector electronics. Take care, Rob Allison
  17. Hello Jason, I only have a few minutes here before I start work, but you might consider a couple of the Arizona placer books. I have a bunch of them in stock and they are under $10 and are like bibles for gold locations. More to come later, Rob Allison
  18. Hello Uncle Ron, Great seeing you this weekend. I guess right where Jim P. and I hit our nuggets several other smaller ones were found. I heard that another 5-6 nuggets were found in push 5 Sunday. Did you happen to see any? I also heard about 3-4 more came from push 2 Sunday. I'm waiting for a reply email from Elly so I can get an up to date nugget count. I'm guess it's going to be around 40 nuggets now. I'm sure through this week several more will be plucked from the pushes. Very easy to miss the small nuggets, especially at depth with all the PI interference. P.S. Elly stated Jim's nugget was either 5.9 or 6.9 Grams. That would make it an easy 4+ Dwter! Right on Jim P. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  19. Hello Bob, I know nothing about the 401K Keg Plan! On another note, I seen your name on the 24K member list as an active member. Thought you might be over on the pushes this last weekend? Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Mike, Looks like you hit the "Reply with Quotes" button instead of the "Add Reply" button on the bottom of the page. Let me know if you need help trying to locate some maps for you. I'm sure one of three agencies I listed above should be able to help. You might also consider the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  21. Hello Grubstake, Great way to kill the skunk! That gold you're finding of there is one of a kind for character. As for the Rich Hill pushes, the count was about 35 nuggets when I left this afternoon. I would assume more nuggets were found this evening after I left. The biggest piece that I know of was found by Jim P. and was approx 6 Grams. Most of the other stuff was ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 Dwt's in size. Nothing really large was found, which kind of shocked me for all the dirt pushed. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  22. Hello Mike, I would think some geologic maps would show the lava domes or at least areas with a lot of basalt. I would check with your State Land Department, State University or any type of State Geologic Survery if you have one. I would assume some of the gold is associated with lava domes over there? Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  23. Hello Grubstake, I'm just hoping it don't ruin his trip down to Arizona if he tweaked his back too bad. Let me know if you hear anything. I would assume he can't receive emails. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  24. Hello Goforgold, I also share that same passion for gold prospecting/electronic prospecting. I love to just get away from the City and retreat into the hills in search for that ellusive yellow metal. I spent many years panning, sluicing, drywashing and dredging for gold before I found my first gold nugget with a detector. Looking forward to hearing about your trip and seeing some pictures. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  25. Hello James, Thanks for the email. I replied back with some information. Let me know when you're ready ... Rob Allison