Getting Luckier

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Hey Everyone. . .

Most of us can only hope to find a nice 1+oz. nugget some day as in the previous posts and become a member of the oz-club. Those are truley very nice nice nugggets and I believe there are still some waiting to be found.

I previously posted my first two nuggets that I found and thought that after working the dirt some more I would post my most recent finds. Going to head out again and hope to add some more to the collection.

Have a Great and Safe Labor Day weekend.


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Thanks for checkin out the pic's and the comments everyone. . .


Although I do have a Tesoro LST, I found all the gold in the pictures with a Minelab GP3500 set-up with a Nuggetfinder E-14x7, Coiltek Li-Ion Regulated System and DOC's GoldStalker Signal Enhancer with an external speaker.

The Old Timers didn't get it all. . . Its crazy. . . I found all the gold in the pic's in one pile! ! ! It by no means was easy, because I believe I did it bass-ackwards. I started by working the whole pile over, once I figured it had never been walked before, for the easy pickins Then I started 10' down from the top and started raking it down, then I went to the bottom and worked my way in, re-handling all the material from the top bench. Re-handling material from the top was work, but I was glad to see that I didn't miss any targets. The pay off was under it :) ... Its time to move-on though. I think I about worked it all.

Take care, NvAuMiner

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Hey NV Miner,

Thanks for the info. Have you considered using a high freq. VLF, such as a Gold Bug 2 @ 71khz? I would almost hate to tell you, you're missing smaller pieces that the Minelab is not hearing. I have worked many piles like this over the years, found gold with the Minelab PI's, but ended spending most of my time working them with a Gold Bug 2.

Also, not all piles are the same, but normally when they dumped the ore off into the dump, there would be certain areas of richness they would be in. They might have been dumping waste rock for a bit, then got into a good pocket, even though they couldn't see all the gold, they would toss some of the goodies into the waste pile (mine dump you're working) and you could almost determine the layers that were richer. I found on some dumps the richest layer was right on the top, within maybe a foot, other dumps you might have to dig down a bit to find a good layer, while other dumps were really scattered and you had to almost move the entire dump to determine what was going on in the mine.

Just a suggestion from my experiences working mine dumps over the years. They can be very rewarding if you find the right dump, or the right piece that got discarded.

Talk with you later,

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Thanks for the advice. I have thought about drywashing the pile and took 2 5gal buckets classified @ 1/4" home to a GoldBuddy. At clean-up there was only 2 specks and a very small lil-nug stuck to a rock. When I bought the LST years ago I liked the fact that is had a Disc. like my first detector(Garrett TR MoneyHunter back in the 70's) and mainly the Auto Ground Balance. Tell you the truth, I was leary of the manual ground balance as I have no experience with them. But... (the famous words)... If I knew back then, what I know now. I would of bought a GB2 hands down for sure. I have had fun with the LST though, as back then I was interested in the beachs and shores of Lake Tahoe. (some of those finds below)

I found these flat round pieces of brass with the GP3500 in the pile I'm working and believe they are left behind from the blasting process. I thought I was doing pretty good because I have not had any training on the detector and thought these were pretty small to be finding in all that dirt. I run the 3500 on Soil-N, Boost-N, Tracking-Fast and in Fixed. If I could possibly be doing better with my settings please let me know. Also the first thing I do is tune it to the area I'm in.

With my son finishing his first week at UNR Reno, priorities aren't letting me think of a new GB2 right now. I will have to blow the dust off a GB2 an old partner of mine has. He doesn't have the desire to hunt anymore and now you have me thinking.

Thanks again for the info.


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Well I got a hold of a GB2 and worked the dump... Rob was right on the money ... we were missing some. It took my wife and I some time to get our routine down, as we were spending way to much time trying to find the target in the scoup. That GB2 can find some really small stuff. I think next time we will just classify it down to a small amount of material in the scoup and then just dump it in a tub for final sorting at home. We already know the gold is there.

The GB2 we used had the 6.5" coil. I am thinking of selling a nugget or two and pick up a GB2. Has there been some comparison done on the two coils? 6.5" vs 10" ... How much sensistivity do you loose with the 10"? and How much depth do you loose with the 6.5"? Do both coils handle ground the same? What are the pros and cons besides the obvious size difference? I haven't googled the question yet... maybe the answer is already out there. I always like personal experience commented on a trusted site like this vs google anyday...

Thanks for any advice on the 2 coils.

Doug -


UPDATE - Should of researched first.. I easliy found some very informative information on the GB2 and coils written Steve Herschbach. But still appreciate any and all replies concerning the GB2 and coil preferrence. Thanks

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Hey NV AU Miner,

Most don't realize I spent years working dumps here in Arizona when I first started detecting with a VLF. I was using a Tesoro Lobo at first, but then switched to the Goldbug 2 when it was released. I'm still finding small quartz pieces with just traces of gold that I found with a GB2 and tossed the pieces in boxes that I'm now consolidating. My favorite coil was the 6.5 inch elliptical DD like other guys stated. It will give you the best overall sensitivity to small gold and specimens.

Congrats on the recent finds and glad I was able to help a bit.

Rob Allison

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Appreciate the info guys... its going to be the 6.5" coil for us.... Much thanks... we have to research selling gold now....

A friend insisted we try out his new Polaris Ranger 800 side-by-side ...That is a nice rig. So anyway, today we checked a different area, but did not spend much time on any one spot... I took this opportunity to bring a few buckets and classified some fines from the sides on an old stamp mill foundation.... also heard tell that old grease from such operations has contained some gold, so we grabbed some of that old crusted up grud as well. It was sure nice to have the bed to haul those buckets in. I have to find the time to go thorough it now...

With hunting season fast approching, its time to switch gears and concentrate on filling the freezer.

Happy hunting and play safe

We'll catch ya later.. NvAuMiner

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