A few days soaking in WINK solution

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Hello All,

Here are two nuggets that I soaked in WINK for a few days. I wasn't impressed with WINK anymore, seems much more diluted than years ago. I might of had better success using Pool Acid, but at least you can see some changes from the two pictures.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Try heating the acid outdoors with camp stove, don't let it boil and don't breath the fumes. I've had good luck heating nitric acid or just let the sun warm it up, it speeds up the process.


I'm not a doctor but i did stay at a holiday inn

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Yes use the muratic (pool acid) full on.
I use both muratic and Wink and I also use sea salt and vinegar mixs and full strength Mr. Clean.
And yes it will burn your skin so be very careful when using muratic eye protection is also recommended to prevent freak accidents.
I have had it on my skin numerous times its not a panic just get to rinsing the skin off quickly with water and theres no problem.

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Goldstudmuffin . . . NITRIC ACID??? are you sure??? or Do you mean Muratic Acid -(pool acid)???

I have used Nitric Acid to clean silver scale off of heat exchanger plates in a strip circuit. It is nasty stuff. . . and could disolve some silver and gold.

I dont want to see anyone get hurt. . . If you are correct, make sure you use PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) gloves, face shield, goggles, aropn, respirator, as you mentioned outdoors & good ventllation ect. I personally would not use Nitric Acid, as I have had good luck with Wink and Muratic Acid and believe it to be MUCH SAFER. IMHO

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Nitric Acid works great on Gold. It shouldn't dissolve the gold unless you mix it with Muriatic acid, then you create aqua regia or nitro-hydrochloric acid, which will liquify gold.

I have used straight Nitric Acid for years and it works great.

However, I have come to the conclusion that a good ultra sonic cleaner with heat and Magic Green does a great job. I put the gold in there, clean it up, and however it looks is good enough for me. Rob is the one that told me about the cleaner and Magic Green.

I know a person that has closely guarded secrets on how to clean every kind of gold imaginable. He once swore me to secrecy and quickly outlined his procedure for cleaning rust out of gold. My lord, what an ordeal. We are talking days and days and about 15 different steps using different chemicals acids and solutions. Too much work for me, however, the gold I have given him to clean comes back looking like jewelry pieces. No matter what the problem is with the gold, he has a procedure for cleaning it. This has come from about 50 years of experimentation and knowledge of chemistry.


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