Cost over selling price of a detector

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We always compare the price of one detector over another saying if it cost more them it's got to be better. You can only guess of what the real cost of a product is. We only know what we have to pay for it. Years ago I was a dealer for White's I could knock off a 100 off the list price and still made over a 100 of a detector list between 400 to 500 hundred. .

I have a local dealer that gives anyone 15 % off of all the Garrett detectors he sales. He has in the past given as much as 20 % but that's up to him.

The true cost of making the ATX may be 1500.00 and this is a WAG ( wild ass guess ).The rest would be profit for the dealer. On the Minelab we don't know the cost of making this detector. We only know what we have to pay to be the proud owner of it. We all know if you want all the extra's you can get is go see Rob.

Here I go again about reading a ad put out by Minelab. It said that Minelab dealers get the greatest return on the sell of their detectors. So after the profit is taken out for the dealer what is the true cost of making a GPX 5000 ? It may be two thousand or more.

The real thing is to buy what you can afford and make it work for you. Get out in the field and learn everything you can about what's in your hand. It's not just the detector that finds gold but the person behind it. I seen Uncle Ron in the field with a SD and I've seen better in a tin can with a broom handle attach than that old SD. The thing was he found more gold than most did. That was because of the man behind that detector.

Now go and make it work for you !


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So after the profit is taken out for the dealer what is the true cost of making a GPX 5000 ?


You will never get the answer to that, and it really doe`s not matter......I could ask the same for the truck I drive, or the bicycles I ride, etc. My 2200 works good for me , but I would buy for a 5000 if I could afford it. I would go buy a bad ass mountain bike for 5,000 too, if I could afford it, but I will be ok with my 1,000 dollar mountain bike in the meantime.

In general , compared to a lot of hobbies, this one is quite inexpensive to start out in or to be successful at, especially if you are getting a return. Heck I started with a GPAA starter kit.

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The size of our pocketbook controls our life and what we buy. Like you if I had the money I'd be driving a high top van than the Ford Transit connect I'm driving now. I don't care how much profit is to be made on a GPX well unless I was a dealer but I'm not.

I was just saying buy what you can afford and make it work for you. I do wish that gold had a smell to it so I could train my dog to hunt it. I can see it now just like the drug dogs when he located a nugget he'd sit down by it. Now a dog like that should be worth 10 thousand and I have two for sale. Just don't tell my wife that I got them for sale.


PS Buy one get one free and I'll throw in a cat if you like..

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I'm willing to try anything but if you would see these dogs you would know I got a up hill battle. What do you say it looks good on paper.

Hope your finding lots of gold and enjoying life along the way.


PS for what it cost to feed two pot lickers I could buy a 5000.

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seriously, Chuck...dogs have learned to sniff out paper money, drugs and diseases to name a few....a few nuggets a lot of patience and you could be rich! wife spends a fortune on cat litter and cat food for two useless pets- throw them out and let them eat rats and snakes....

I can say this you ....not a chance my wife would give up her cats!!!!!


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Hey Fred. I once read about some guys way back in the diggers days here in Aus setting up a chicken farm on the diggings, for the purpose of the chickens picking at shiny things, which were small gold bits and flakes. They would kill the chooks after a number of weeks and then cut open the crops and dish the contents out. They used chickens, ducks and geese. They called it the Golden Goose Enterprise. They did not get rich but it did work to a certain degree. Funny stuff

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Ant hills is a place to look and any animal that push the dirt out around the hole they dig. I posted this once before. Anytime you see some equipment at work check the dirt that falls out of the tracks like a dozer. I found two nuggets in one strip of dirt that fallen out.

Now think how many have you walk by something just like what I said. The nuggets are out there and sometimes they come to you.


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