The ATX will get it's stamp of approval right here soon.

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We have the report and pictures from Steve H. and it was a seller on what he said. Before that we had a video from Gerry M. at Rye Patch showing what the ATX could do. Then Chris G. also had a great video in the field as he said finding his first nugget with the ATX.

Soon of not sooner Rob Allison will receive his order of ATX. He said he could get them today if not by tomorrow. When this all comes about He'd get out in the field to test the ATX for himself.

You have to remember some of the names I've said are died in the wool GPX 5000 men. I can assure you what has been said about the ATX you can take it to the bank. When Rob chimes in then I've got to go to the bank to get my money for one.

My wife ask what I want for Christmas and I said I need money.


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Kyle I wish it was true that I had the money now but that's not the case. I have sold the silver to buy other detectors One time I sold some to put a down payment on some land.

I tell anyone to buy the best detector they can afford. They can find 6 hundred or more per year and they won't have to put out the money next time to buy the next detector.

I got my father-in-law on coin hunting.. One time I sent him to a bus stop of fair size and after it was over he'd found over 13 dollars in penny's. He said he just sat on the ground and swing the coil around because he couldn't keep bending over anymore.


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  • Admin

Hey Guys,

I'm excited, no question about that. However, I'm not going to comment until I get a bit more time under my belt. I'm going to tell you this now, if you have a GPX series, no reason to sell it. If you're looking for a great, mid line PI that is waterproof, can fold up, made in the US, easy to use, great price, then you're going to have fun with the new Garrett ATX metal detector.

When it comes to price and completely waterproof, that alone will sell the unit in my opinion.

Will report more in the near future.

Rob Allison

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I remember one around Stanton it rained off and on for three day. I'd start to go hunt but get a 1/2 mile from camp then here comes the rain again. I had the 3500 then that I got from Rob but not wanting to get it wet back top camp I went .Oh I had plastic bags but just didn't want to go there. It was other times I had trouble like this and I sure all of you had the same.

Now if I do buy the ATX I'll be singing in the rain and hope I'm finding gold at the same time.


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