Got a bit today

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Welp.........decided to go out to LSD and do some sampling to see if I can find some spots to drywash with dad once it dries out.

First spot was just NW of Jackass flats. Small wash. Did some detecting, found a old bullet shrapnal and dug/sucked it out. That was the best spot actually. Just off the road too.

Second place was a old camp from the 50s...Im guessing... the guys that worked it had done a heck of a lot of drywashing in this wash. LOTS of rocks up on the sides and DW piles all over.

Same thing...dig and suck.

Hit some washes around it and got some more bullet shrapnal and a reeeeaaaaaly small boot tack.

Had one bucket left so I just scooped some gravel out of the bank...that one had about 8 nice flakes in it.

Would be intresting to work the banks in this area if they were not so piled up with rocks!

I dont think any of these spots are too awsome for DW though. I think most of this would be lost with a drywasher.

I ran 4 buckets through the trommel tonight and this is the HUGE haul :)
Guess thats why they call it prospecting??? :)
Tom H.

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Me thinks about every wash up there has some color in it....just how much you want to work to geet it :)
Srry bout the stinky stuff Frank......we all have that odor now and then though. :)
Tom H.

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If you dont already know this, concentrate in the last 20' -50' of the wash were the old timers stacked the rocks. also hunt or take samples from the opposite side of the wash were the old timers stacked the rocks. In most cases the old timers figured out what side of the wash the gold was coming in on (hillside) and stacked the rocks on the opposite side up by the top of the diggings. They are steering you in the right direction if you know how to read their old diggings. Another T.S. If these old diggings could Talk? They can ;) AzNuggetBob

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Tom, if I'm understanding your directions relative to Jackass Flat, those tailings and stackings may not be from such old timers... More like a semi-semi-youngster some folks call Nuggetshooter these days !! ;) Cheers, Unc


The area that was handstacked was east of Jackass flats...up N mine road.


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If your trying to date an area look at the glass bits left behind. the tin cans did not change that much over the years. glass is a dead givaway. do some research on glass/bottles and you will be amazed how much it has changed in the last 100 years.

;) AzNuggetBob

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I was dating it from the corregated tin and other older tin cans.

Tom H.

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