Minelab 2300

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I was going to stay out of this frakus.... :spank: of bottom beatings and.... :glare: what detector is better....for those who use them know that the fella who gets the most gold..not the size of his toy wins at the end.....think about it....I have been around a many who use vlf and PI detectors..those with the most gold finds, work harder, longer and never give up. plus they dig every piece of trash. I will continue monitoring this show and get a laugh...from the likes of Kyle.and a few others who give him the attention he well earned :blink: .bye the way kyle I am not one of your followers..I do notice your pretty active on the forums and do a good job of raising some feathers.But as far as detectors...ATX or Minelab 2300, hell I would love to own either one of them as I alternate to the one I am using.. :) The fact is I appreciate my 4500...and am waiting for the new Minelab GPX6000 to come out, than only than will I wait and see the reviews and how it does in the field before I even consider buying it.Happy Hunting and lets keep it clean ....Round 31 begins.

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I was going to stay out of this frakus.... :spank: of bottom beatings and.... :glare: what detector is better....for those who use them know that the fella who gets the most gold..not the size of his toy wins at the end.....think about it....I have been around a many who use vlf and PI detectors..those with the most gold finds, work harder, longer and never give up. plus they dig every piece of trash. I will continue monitoring this show and get a laugh...from the likes of Kyle.and a few others who give him the attention he well earned :blink: .bye the way kyle I am not one of your followers..I do notice your pretty active on the forums and do a good job of raising some feathers.But as far as detectors...ATX or Minelab 2300, hell I would love to own either one of them as I alternate to the one I am using.. :) The fact is I appreciate my 4500...and am waiting for the new Minelab GPX6000 to come out, than only than will I wait and see the reviews and how it does in the field before I even consider buying it.Happy Hunting and lets keep it clean ....Round 31 begins.


I think you mean the GPX 5500? just a guess? And I dont think your going to see it anytime soon, just because in my opinion the GPX 5000 has no competition and Minelab is busy working on other things like the 2300. but I also agee with you that IF Minelab is going to release the 2300 early without a lot of field tests trying to beat out ATX sales they are making a big mistake. I have a feeling JP is real busy right now. :) AzNuggetBob

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Doc you are correct in what you stated, but I think you also misunderstood what I said?. took it out of context because of the way I wrote it.
Anyway, now considering you are so knowledgeable of Minelab Technology why dont you explain to us what is"High performance MPF technology" ? or did they not mention that at the last Minelab meeting?, or is that just a typo on the new 2300 release at Minelab?. or you just cant talk about it until the offical release?. AzNuggetBob

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The whole SDC-2300 thing smacks of a hurry up and do something effort pushed by Garrett's move with the ATX.

Minelab's sales of gold detectors in Africa - by far their biggest market has dropped by 80%. That's catastrophic.

Since the SDC announcement came out on the 9th, Codan's share price dropped 17.5% on the 9th, trading was suspended for two days, and today it dropped another 38%.

Their public announcement today indicates that the SDC will come out in mid April and that a new technology super gold detector is years off.

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I agree with you Bob...heck I have been using vlf for 21 years....I did find some gold...usually small pieces a gram or under but it's because I was in grounds that did not produce large nuggs. I have also found larger ones up to 10 grams in better grounds, but when I became a Minelab user just this year,...my finds increased by a long shot! Now the 5000 yes if I had a choice I would trade my 4500 for a 5000..but it would be premature at this point. I have had a lot of luck with my present machine. I will not make a change even if it takes Minelab another 2 years to come up with the GPX Pro 5500, and like I said it would have to have a serious advantage over the 4500 or the 5000. As far as the ATX and the 2300..these two will fill in a void for many reasons that are obvious to me. I stated why in my earlier post so I won't repeat it again. It will be fun to see the reviews and true field finds by users in the next year or so...may the best machine win..but I will not downgrade one company from another just to get a kick out of people on this forum. Like they say the proof is in the pudding...Gold that is ...may the best machine win the business.. :D . If any one wants to send me either one for field test, I would welcome any one of those machines to the Motherlode. I am sure I can get Grubstake , Shep and myself to take them out for a whirl....just saying. B)

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The whole SDC-2300 thing smacks of a hurry up and do something effort pushed by Garrett's move with the ATX.

Minelab's sales of gold detectors in Africa - by far their biggest market has dropped by 80%. That's catastrophic.

Since the SDC announcement came out on the 9th, Codan's share price dropped 17.5% on the 9th, trading was suspended for two days, and today it dropped another 38%.

Their public announcement today indicates that the SDC will come out in mid April and that a new technology super gold detector is years off.

The whole SDC-2300 thing smacks of a hurry up and do something effort pushed by Garrett's move with the ATX.

Minelab's sales of gold detectors in Africa - by far their biggest market has dropped by 80%. That's catastrophic.

Since the SDC announcement came out on the 9th, Codan's share price dropped 17.5% on the 9th, trading was suspended for two days, and today it dropped another 38%.

Their public announcement today indicates that the SDC will come out in mid April and that a new technology super gold detector is years off.

Whoops sorry Relichunter2 I tryed to double quote both yours and Rick Kempf it didn't work.

Rick Kempf

Im not sure why Minelab stocks a taking a plung? could be the price of their high end detectors, not a lot of money in Africa generaly speaking.They may be opting for lower end detectors? and cherry picking the gold fields. but I will say this when I hit a new patch I always drop the big guns Minelab Pi and pick up a lightweight VLF GB or GB2 and hammer it.Take all the easy gold. (keeps the hygraders at bay) then come back later with a Minelab PI and go after the deep ones. works for me. This new 2300 may fill that gap? AzNuggetBob

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If my degrading memory is working right Doc, I might be wrong but its telling me its right at this moment, the Garret Infinium ran on around 800, but the 4500 was up around 3000, 3200 is popping up for some reason. So Im guessing the ATX would be similar to the Inf and the 5000 to the 45 in that regards. I was told ages ago what they used and I may have got it out by a bit but im pretty sure im close there! Maybe a bit lower but it was a high number that surprised me when I was told by the Minelab Tech. But hey, I could be having some memory melding here too and be thinking of something entirely different. But maybe not too!

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Nah, was memory degradation after all. Just came back. I was thinking of the Pulse rate. So no I don't know either what frqs it uses. But that info was how many pulses per second. The Garrett INF around 800 pps and the GPX 4500 runs on 3200 pps. Staggering huh!

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Minelab GPX 5000 = MPS, DVT, SETA Technologies with Bi-level, or "Advanced" Pulse Induction and of course (Minelab will not disclose kHz range)....(assuming that they have 255 frequency shift options as they state, and 8 timmings, do the math or does that not include the timmings? or am I missing somthing here?.

Just for reference.

Minelab Eureka Gold- 6.4 kHz, 20 kHz and 60 kHz

Minelab’s E-Trac and Explorer- FBS: 28 multiple frequency 1.5 kHz to 100 kHz

Minelab CTX3030- FBS 2: 28 multiple frequency 1.5 kHz to 100 kHz

Minelab Sovereign GT- AccuTrak & BBS:- 1.5 kHz to 25.5 kHz

Minelab Excalibur II- BBS:- 1.5kHz to 25.5 kHz

Minelab X-Terra 305- 7.5 kHz and 18.75kHz

Minelab X-Terra 505 and 705- 3 kHz, 7.5 kHz and 18.75 kHz

Minelab X-Terra 705 Gold- 18.75 kHz

White’s V3i uses three frequencies 2.5 kHz, 7.5 kHz & 22.5 kHz

White's Goldmaster GMT- 48kHz to 50kHz

White's MXT- 14 kHz

White's XLT- 6.5 kHz

White's DFX is dual frequency 3 kHz and 15 kHz

Tesoro Lobo- 17.8 kHz

Tesoro Tejon- 17.6 kHz

Tesoro Cortes- 10 kHz

Garrett GTI 2500 and GTI 1500- 7.2 kHz

Garrett Infinium LS- 15 kHz

Garrett Ace 250- 6.5 kHz

Garrett Ace 350- 8.25 kHz

Garrett AT Gold- 18kHz

Garrett AT Pro- 15kHz

Fisher CZ3D and Fisher CZ20 -5 kHz and 15 kHz

Fisher 1270x- 8.2 kHz

Fisher F75- 13 kHz

Fisher F5 - 7.8 kHz

Fisher Gold Bug - 19.17 kHz

Fisher Gold Bug Pro- 19 kHz

Fisher Gold Bug II- 71 kHz

Fisher Gemini 3- 82 kHz

Bounty Hunter Gold Scorpion- 16.5 kHz

Bounty Hunter Time Ranger- 6.9 kHz

Bounty Hunter Pioneer 505 Pro- 6.8 kHz

Bounty Hunter Land Star and Lone Star- 6.6 kHz


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Detectors transmit and receive. Transmitting frequencies are by and large marketing fluff. The most important thing is what frequencies are received and how are they processed. Obviously a detector cannot receive on all frequencies or I would hear radio stations. Certain frequencies must be selected for the receive circuit.

It is very easy to determine what frequency detectors transmit. It is very hard to know what frequencies they receive and almost impossible to determine how they are being processed in software. All that is transmitted is most definitely not being processed. Very top secret stuff. Again, much that we see is sales fluff or outright nonsense meant to keep the competition in the dark.

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I wasn't sure when I first saw the info on the new SDC if it was correct but after seeing it on Minelabs site, I am scratching my head as to the use of C cells? Here in Aus those are not the most stocked battery out bush! In fact in some places you would be hard pressed to get some decent C's! So you would sure need to stock up on them, and they aint cheap here either!

Does anyone know if it comes with recharge-able's? That's gotta be the oddest battery choice iv seen!

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Yeah Bob, It will be fun to watch the VS videos, that's for sure :lol: Trouble is Kyle that with a lot of rechargeables the ratings are really low. Some AA's have decent go in them. Some low ones are like 1200 mah but higher ones in the range of 2700 mah. You'd want some C's with a good rating if you used them! Hah, for us poor Aussie's everything costs more. Damn, we even pay more for our Minelab gear than you guys :blink: You know, we often pay more for our own products here than people do overseas for the same thing, that's made here :blink::blink::blink:

Have they both gone too for coils that have rear mounting points? I hate that. Always dropping forward and needing to be tightened. Will be looking forward to see you do a comparison with them like you have with the ATX V the 5000 Rob. Interesting to know what this MPF is too!?

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Roo from what I know about batteries, if their running C's they are battery suckers and that is odd for new tech. the only items that used C's were high drain toys (mechanical toys) and I dont think they are planning on adding a back-hoe attachment to the detector anytime soon. really got me wondering. some lightweights are running on a few AAA or AA's so the C's are probably necessary to get a lot of hours before recharge or battery replacement right. but with all that power drain, what (type) of coil winding are they using to feed the need?. I do know that powered coils are all the rage lately. ;) just a thought . AzNuggetBob
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Its an odd choice but maybe for a good reason like you said, longer hours or more power? I don't think we'll be getting rid of our 5's for one though.

Damn its hot here, cant get out and do anything. So hot today it dried up heaps of the mulberries on our tree. Same tomorrow, 40c, so goodbye to most of them. Not a good environment for those here. Their not even ripe yet so ill be lucky to get any at all. I gave up growing vegies here, they just get wiped out in the heat. Bit off topic, think this heats got to me. Chow :wacko:

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