Gpx 5000 200 years ago

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I was just daydreaming, and wondering where you guys would go if you could go back in time 200 years. This might be a cheesy topic but, always thought what if. Myself being from Arizona and not knowing a lot about the mother load in California would probably end up in Stanton Arizona.

I'm not asking for any of your secret patches just wondering if you guys of ever had this daydream?

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Heck, who needed a metal detector back then? It was laying on the surface! :)
But, you sure would have been a rich son of a gun if you did have a detector.

My daydream or try to fall asleep at night dream is walking along a hill and getting a signal.

Digging down and finding a vein that I have to hack the gold out of ,calling into work and telling them I wont be in for a week or so.....:)


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Reading whats happening in Africa, I would imagine it would be the ole West. One fella armed with a GPX 5000 got 8 kilos of gold with it. I would imagine..going back to the would get that and more. So armed with a GPX which ever.....I would choose the Motherlode....

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My daydream or try to fall asleep at night dream is walking along a hill and getting a signal.

Digging down and finding a vein that I have to hack the gold out of ,calling into work and telling them I wont be in for a week or so..... :)

Same dream… that's why I try to get into the remotest of locations and detect the hillsides and tops. I know there's a vein out there somewhere that's buried just a few inches down with my name on it. B)

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Hell the eastern side of Trinity Lake before it was dammed. That would have been nice.

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There is a lot to be learned from the old timers discoveries.
allthough it is nice to get stoaked on what the old timers found.
but whats really important to me is how to use that old information to find new/undescovered deposits.
there are a lot of undiscoverd patches still out there. AzNuggetBob

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Gary,, Dang..did not think of being burned as a witch..but your probably correct.That was a different American back than. Wonder if you just call yourself the Wizard....and tell them they would fry, all you have to do is point a 20 " NF Coil at them..and they become Crispy Critters....

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Kind of an interesting subject, that I've contemplated on in the past (I have been known to liberate). This appears to be shallow thinking. One has a ML 5000, 100 years ago. It will work for 8 hours and that's it, cause there are no batteries or power supply to replenish.

Michelangelo, Aristotle, Archemedis (sp?), the bearded guy w/ drawings of helicopters, Poe and myself, we have dwelled on this for centuries.

Maybe a better question to put to oneself would be, knowing everything you know, and that alone; what if you were transported back 100 years ago, how would you do? Most of us could hunt, trap and build a shelter. Do you know how to make a weapon, make gun powder, make power (electrical), find gold laying on the ground, know where you’re at or make a radio? With our ‘knowledge advantage”, how would you fit in back then? And you wonder why I drink?

Too much and not enough time,


P.S. I'd really be screwed- don't know how to make beer! Would have to wait till fall when fruit ferments ;-)

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