Fun day out, with some yellow too!

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Hey all:
Welp went out today with the vacuum and the bike to suck up some dirt to play with at home and practice my lack of dirt riding skills.

Sucked up a couple of buckets, bumped into a couple of friends and then took off on the bike.

Im out riding along close to the truck, jumping things, going off waterfalls, climbing hills....making Graham Jarvis look like a rookie!

Bout a mile from the truck I go off a waterfall and at the bottom the throttle freewheels on me. Dang, something broke.

Wrestle the stupid bike out of the wash, push it uphill a little catch my breath and not pushing this thing back to the truck. I can walk back and try to pick it up with the truck.....then a bolt of lightning hit me......the only one today. Yank on the throttle cable. Yup that works. Ever try to ride over rough terrain yanking a throttle cable and trying to hold on to the handlebars? Its a RIOT!

I got it back though. The cheap plastic end of the throttle cable holder in the grip broke.

Well, got home, ran the buckets through the trommel and got some nice color :)
Always an adventure :)


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Nice color, glad to hear you got the bike back to the truck!!

..."The cheap plastic end of the throttle cable holder in the grip broke."..., dam is everything made of plastic these days, whatever happened to the cables having a metal ends on it so it would last and hold up to some abuse, I mean it is a dirt/off road bike and should be able to handle a little roughness???

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I hear ya Doc:
Had a blast on the bike just practicing and looking at future washes :)

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No no no.....sucked up some dirt....put it in the on the bike and went for a ride.

I can barly hold myself up let alone dirt and a vac!
Tom H.

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