Weight Issues with the Minelab GPZ 7000 Solved - Youtube Video

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Hello All,

Thanks to FlakMagnet and some others on the Australian Forums, here is a great method to eliminate weight and overall stress on the wrist, elbow and shoulder with the new "wrap around technique." Jump the video to around the 9 minute mark to see it. The entire video is good through.

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That is a good suggestion, however, I have a few of my own.

1. I do not like the YOKE, it pulls the two shoulder straps together and pinches your neck. I don't use the yoke, I simply attach to the shoulder of the arm I am using.

2. Adjust the back strap to pull the shoulder straps down and away from your neck, you do not want the weight of the detector pulling forward and have the Y in the rear of the shoulder straps coming up and putting pressure on your neck from the back.

3. Use the supplied SWING ARM, you have no idea what a difference this makes as it shares the load between both arms, and you get symmetry in your movement. I have been detecting 10 hours straight with no stress at all.

4. QUIT SWINGING YOUR COIL! Do not move your arm to move your coil. Get the bungee adjusted correctly, lock your arm and your elbow into the side of your body. In order to move your coil from side to side, take a half step, with your arm locked to your side, rotate FROM YOUR WAIST, to the right and to the left. Another 1/2 step rotate your torso, from the waist right then left.

You will find that you get a perfectly level swing. Your arm does not tire out. You can rotate from the waist all day long, you will never get worn out.

Actually Minelab has developed a very comfortable system.

This gentleman is very right when he tells you to use your fingers and thumb, not your hand. I have a 3.5 inch surgical scar on my hand from not using a bungee, and locking my hand up.



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