Hey Boy! What you got in that there crack?

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 This is a demonstration of the Gold SPOT™ being used as a portable gold pan.  It's extremely effective.  Don't worry about the first few minutes where I am out of frame.  Leo Aranza, my buddy, takes over and the rest of the video is well framed. -Doc


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Hey Doc,

  The riffles are great for the guys that like to sample pan in the creeks and such, or even dry pan a crack or two with the new scoop.  However, the design seems to be slightly narrower and slightly deeper than standard treasure/nugget scoop.  This feature seems to give the scoop more strength when digging in hard ground.  

We now have them listed (Yellow or Green) on our online store - https://www.robsdetectors.com/docs-gold-spot-treasure-scoop-portable-gold-pan/

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