Never lost Again

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If some of remember, a couple of months ago, I had some blood presure issues, and was on a hunt with Shep and my uncle, well I sat down to rest and upon rising. I passed out, due to a drop in my blood pressure, I'm taking alot of heart drugs and blood pressure meds. Well anyway that might happen again, but I won't get lost for 4 hours like I was last time, a friend, his name is Brent Skean, from Palm Springs, that I have taken out with me a couple of times, bought me a set of Garmin Rino 120's and gave them to me. Now these neat little radio's have a built in GPs, that when you key up, it displays your position to who ever has another one. So now when I go I will have these and be able to give one to someone else in my group, just incase. That way we will know which way the other is, and at least I will know how to get back to where I came from, instead of ending up 10 miles away, like I did last time. Thanks Brent, a life saver for sure. Grubstake

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Hi Grubstake

I've seen the GPS,radio combo and they are nice to have. We can never be safe enough!

To show how fragile life is, I just got a call that a prospecting friend got kill. I had just started typing this when I got the call!

I can't see to good right now, so take care.


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I'm sorry to here you lost a good friend, and that we lost another pospector. Life is fragile, and you only get one go around. I try to treat people the way I like to be treated, when that happened to me, I was completly disorented, did not know where I was or how I got there. Kind of like having a mini stroke I guess. I woke up, and was alone. I just started waking down hill, until Larry my other friend picked me up, I was 10 miles away from where I had started, and 4 hours had passed. Scarry to say the least. Well it won't happen again, atleast the not knowing where I was part. Grubstake

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Grub This friend name is Jim Haggard and we had plan on going to California this year.He had a place he wanted to go back to,because the luck he had before. I sold him some of my dredging equipment and he had 4in. dredge he'd been using.I'd said I was going to nugget hunt and help him when needed.

This old boy lived in Miss. but to loved to prospect and I hope he's digging up the streets of heaven by now.


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