Nuggetfinder 16-inch Mono For Sale

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Hello All,

I have a Used Nuggetfinder solid 16-inch Round Mono Searchcoil for sale if anyone is interested. I obtained the coil in a trade, but have never used it. The coil is in great shape. The coil brand new is $342.00, but I'm letting this one go out the door for $235.00, which includes shipping.

If you need pictures I can post them. Anyone interested can contact me at - [email protected]

First with the cash will take the coil.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hello All,

  I have a Used Nuggetfinder solid 16-inch Round Mono Searchcoil for sale if anyone is interested.  I obtained the coil in a trade, but have never used it.  The coil is in great shape.  The coil brand new is $342.00, but I'm letting this one go out the door for $235.00, which includes shipping. 

If you need pictures I can post them.  Anyone interested can contact me at - [email protected]

First with the cash will take the coil. 

Take care,

Rob Allison

Rob if I were you I would hang onto that NF 16" round mono, they are a real SLEEPER B) . Early last year I had to revert to a super light version of the coil and could not beleive the amount of depth and sensitivity I was getting out of it. To my mind they would have to be the almost perfect cross over point from a depth point of view, ground coverage and decent performance on just about all gold sizes. :)

Chris Gholson used the same coil the year before (see our first video) and managed to snagg himself quite a few ounces including a head sized quartz rock with an ounce or so of gold enclosed which I had missed with the coils bigger brother the NF 20" Super Light. I know a lot of blokes are working the Palmer river country (similar in a way to Arizona) with huge success. The terrain is very tight with the majority of your time spent in and around the gullies dodging grass and other obstacles.



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  • Admin

Hello JP,

I have to agree, the NF 16-inch Round is a great coil. However, what I didn't tell you is the fact I already have a NF 16-inch SL Mono! :P I'm selling the solid 16-inch Round Mono since I can't use them both. The solid design is nice, but I like the lightness of the SL series.

Who is Chris Gholson? :wub:

P.S. Sending you a PM, please check it.

Talk with you soon,

Rob Allison

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Isn't Chris that young feller with Mustache that you see on the side of the Milk Cartons where they are looking for lost or missing people!?

He was lost out in the Bradshaws prospecting years ago and they computer aged his picture to what he would look like today!

His wife would like for him to come home!

She still has supper waiting on the stove for him to eat!

I'm almost certain I've seen him out there...just could never get close enough to tell him to go home! Kept moving off into the distance............sort of like a mirage!

I hear that you can hear him out in the hills talking to himself, "Just one more day and I'll go home! Just one more nugget is all I need! I can Do IT!"


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