todays hunt at the Patch

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well my uncle came over, and we trecked up the hill, we hunt for about 5 hours, I got one little 1.1 grammer, and that was all that was found. The rattlers are out up there big time, I almost steped right on one, just as I droped off the ravine, into the creek bed. about 4 ft long, and 5-6 ratles. I just let him go, I did not shot im as he was tring to get out of my way, and I darn sure was moving ut of his. tomarrow i will post a picture of my dink. not anything to talk about, but atleast not a skunk. Grubstake

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Hello Grubstake,

Congrats on the new nugget find. Leaverite and I were crazy enough to get out for a short hunt today. I ended up with seven more nuggets and Leaverite scored one. I'm sure the weather is much cooler than here. It seemed like 120 degrees today ... :(

Looking foward to the picture.

Rob Allison

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That sound instantly gets your attention all right. I almost stepped on one in high grass last year and I was 20 feet away before I knew what I was doing because it surprised me. Never did see it either. How deep was that nugget? Using the Platypus of course?

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Hello Grubstake,

Thanks for posting the picture of the nugget. It's time for the Rattlesnakes here in the Arizona desert, but I have only seen one so far. I pretty wear the snake gaitors I sell year round, but I feel much better with them when I'm wearing headphones. We also have some high grass in a few of the Arizona goldfields.

You still using the Coiltek Platypus Searchcoil I sent you? I've been selling a bunch of them, so I have to Thank You for the great reports you gave on them to get the ball rolling. There is very little advertisement of them, some don't even know about them yet. :(

Has Shep tried the newer Wallaby yet? :huh:

Talk with you soon,

Rob Allison

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Yep ROB, still useing the Platypus, got that last nugget with it, best coil out there that I've tried, going to give Shep Wallaby a try out at RP, almost getting water hunting time for me, I will start hunting the lakes up here after Memorial day weekend, until about oct, when it starts to get cool enought to nugget hunt again. I use the Excallibur for water hunting, and my Soverine for parks and beach areas. My wife looks forward to the hot time of the year, she knows once I start water hunting, she is going to get some new rings and things. Grubstake

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Rob, only tried it in driveway. next use will probably be Rye Patch. Reg is coming up with some interesting information on the first one, but going to let him tell that story.

Any one notice Bill's forum is all old posts from 2004? or is it me. I get goosebumps when Stan posts :huh:

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Hello Grubstake and Shep,

Grubstake - I would send you a Wallaby to try at Rye Patch, but I'm waiting for more to show up here. The Wallaby DD Pro is a hot seller, probably going to out sell the Coiltek 14-inch round soon! People can say what they want about it, but just remember Coiltek is selling thousands of coils. ;) The Coiltek Platypus Searchcoil is also a sleeper coil.

Shep - I received a few of Reg's emails. I'm playing close attention to them since Reg is probably one of the most knowledgeable guys when it comes to PI's and Searchcoils. I'm going to do some testing on yours also.

Bill stated that when he repaid his yearly subscription for hosting the hosting company linked the old forum rather than new. :( You can still access Bill's forum from him main Website page or by clicking this link -

Bill Southern's Nuggetshooter Forum

Talk with you soon,

Rob Allison

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I really like coiltek, only coils I own besides the stochk coils. I have tried the Joey, I like, the AI, I like the UFo, I like, and I love my Platypus. Wallaby is the only one, besides Big RED that I haven't tried. All the coils have brought me gold, in some form or another, some as friendships and some as yellow stuff. Coiltek and minelab are the best. Grubstake

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Hi Rob!

Do you have a Platypus Coil in Stock that I can buy?

Nice going on the nugget hunting!



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Yeh you will not go wrong getting that Platypus, its a very good coil, mine has brought me close to six oz's now. you can't denie results. Great coil, water proof and finds small bit at depth, easy to work in brush, or creeks, eliptical DD. Best Coil I have ever used so far. Grubstake

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Hi Grubstake!

Thank you for your recommendation! I just went back and read the post from earlier this year! I can't wait t get it and to return to AZ to hunt some more! Trying to get away and get up to the Bradshaws in the next few weeks! It is getting hot here in Houston with high humidity! I need some dry heat! lol

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I know just what you are talking about, I use to live in Texas, Grandbury, TX. I worked for C&H Transportaion out of Dallas for about 10 years, hauling oil field equipment and rigs up to Canada and Alaska, when the boom quite there. Grubstake

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Dallas gets hotter than Houston! I lived in Arlington back in the 90's! At least it was not as humid as Houston!

I was watching a program a few weeks back about a trucking company that supported mining businesses in the far northeast Canada. They made their way across frozen lakes. Speed had to be kept down to avoid setting up a pressure wave that would break the ice! They even developed technology to rescue rigs that had fallen through the ice and to also strengthen the ice. It was interesting!

Sounds like you went up into the Prudoe Bay Field! I envy your getting to see Alaska and Canada! What an adventure!


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Yes I went to prud, and up into canada up to The SUNCO oil Sands mine up at FT. McMurray, way up north in Alberta. Good pay for those days. If I had not had 5 heart attacks, I would still be driving, my wife loved it, and so did I . Grubstake

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