How much per year

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Does anybody have any idea how much gold is found by detector operators, panners, Dredge operators, and what percentage of the total world find it would be. Does anybody know how much gold was found worldwide in 2005, and is the figure greater this year???????...thanks arahi.....

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You know over the years they have kept records on the big boys. Us little guys, well I've been at it now for 54 years, I've seen a lot beautiful country, met a lot of good people, a few cantanious old prospectors and a few burro's. I've found gold, lost gold gave back to the blm and I know I've spent more on gas, food and drink then I will ever recover. Why, you ask do I continue to do this? My doctor ask's me the same questions, shoot they even did an MRI on my brain to make sure I was normal. Everything came back fine and dandy. So why do this hobby? One nite out in the dead silence of the desert nite, the stars above, the animal noises and the shooting stars, the sun coming up over the mountain and a wash ready for working or a hillside ready for beeping, IT JUST DON'T GET ANY BETTER THEN THAT.

O'29er in 29

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the gold is a perk, but for me it is the friends I have made, the life experiences I get to reflect on, being out in the desert, enjoying the hunt, and just the pure fun of it all.

and what the gov don't know won't hurt em! lol


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the gold is a perk, but for me it is the friends I have made, the life experiences I get to reflect on, being out in the desert, enjoying the hunt, and just the pure fun of it all.

and what the gov don't know won't hurt em! lol


Tax free here in aussie land until you sell it spend it and have to pay g.s.t on every thing you buy. Ive seen alot of big gold this year being found by the secretive bunch that all detector operators are. 90 oz's here 30 oz's there etc etc.. yeah its good fun digging big holes, slowing down the heart rate, then spending a fist full of cash. washing crayfish down with crownies. good life.. Another thing on the go at the moment is the bushfires burning through gippsland victoria, its clearing hundreds of thousands of hectares of untouched gold country, I can't wait for it to stop and get searching, should be fun...

thanks arahi....

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You know over the years they have kept records on the big boys. Us little guys, well I've been at it now for 54 years, I've seen a lot beautiful country, met a lot of good people, a few cantanious old prospectors and a few burro's. I've found gold, lost gold gave back to the blm and I know I've spent more on gas, food and drink then I will ever recover. Why, you ask do I continue to do this? My doctor ask's me the same questions, shoot they even did an MRI on my brain to make sure I was normal. Everything came back fine and dandy. So why do this hobby? One nite out in the dead silence of the desert nite, the stars above, the animal noises and the shooting stars, the sun coming up over the mountain and a wash ready for working or a hillside ready for beeping, IT JUST DON'T GET ANY BETTER THEN THAT.

O'29er in 29

Nice picture beats working ....


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  • Admin

Hello arahi666,

Must be nice to hit 90 ounces here, 30 ounces there .... Hehe.. :P Over here, most of the weekend warriors are finding a 12-24 ounces/year on the average. I have done better, but have done worse also. It all comes down to pounding the dirt, a lot of research, walking and swinging. It's all a numbers game, the more you do it, the better chances you have.

The IRS had no clue how much gold has been found. Some of the big hits and discoveries were highgraded before anyone knew what really was found.

Take care mate,

Rob Allison

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GETTING GOLD IS LIKE WINNING A KENO TICKET AFTER PLAYING FOR A YEAR- you are just getting back some of the money you already put into it.

as for the psychological end, anything that gets you out of town, and out by yourself, with plenty of time to reflect on things and the way life is going, that's the real payoff, and no amount of gold can buy any of that. no TV, no market pitches, just you and the land you decide to cover, and while out there walking, you begin to see things from a different angle. when you come back, I would say that even after a day or two, most of us are changed people, and that rest or peace is something that we can carry around.

I know people that make out with a fortune; usually all I get is a challenge. While knowledge is a plateau to understanding the process, luck of the draw is what lets some people have success, where others don't. we all have cards that we don't know what they are, and olnly by walking around and expending some effort, can we reveal those cards. Even a skunk trip can be a pleasure, provided a guy isn't too greedy, and takes in the scenery and grandeur of a place, even stopping to ponder its history and the sweat that also rolled off someone else's brow in their own quest.

29-er hit the nail pretty much on the head, as his payoff is not so much the gold (though he gets it), but the vision and the getaway. Sometimes the challenge is vastly more memorable than the actual finds.

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