Rain, Rain and a new GPX-4000

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Hello All,

This morning I met up with Bunk (Calvin) on the 24 Karat Gold Hunters claims. Bunk decided to purchase a new Minelab GPX-4000, so I wanted to spend some time with him and get the machine assembled.

Well, the weather turned for the worst and it started pouring down for a good 1/2 hour. The rain continued for a good hour and didn't look like it was going to stop. By this time, the ground was soaked and the wet clay was sticking to everything!

On the way down from the claims, I had my truck sideways on a clay/muddy road and it took Steve, Kitty, Leaverite and I some time to build a small rock wall so I didn't drop down into a ravine. :(

No nuggets, but we didn't even get to hunt. Maybe next time.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Too Bad ROB, I was going this morning with Jerry and Matt, but the rain came in here last night, this morning, rain{heavy at times} hail and cold wind. So no hunting for us either. Just had a good rain[hail] storm come through about 10 minutes ago. Sheps in Rye Patch, and is going to have to come back the long way, Tioga Pass is closed for now. This is the last day of summer, and tomarrow FALL starts. Prime time hunt is begining. Grubstake

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Glad you got home safe - - - - - I was pineing to go up to swing when I saw the cooler weather, am climbing the walls waiting for the leg to heal - - - - sorry you got rained out, but I know how bad that mud can get, been there done that :blink: ........Well on another forum DOC is sending out coils to his venders - - Platypus? - - - Are the platypus monos using the same coil covers as the DD coils.....I want to buy an extra as I wore out one (on another coil) in three months & want to have one on the shelf in case as this will be a highly used coil.....also do you have the long bottom shaft in stock .... How much? - - - -wonderer......call anytime 602-206-6434

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Sorry about the no hunting Rob! But I am glad that all of you got out ok and that you didn't hurt your truck!

Hopefully you will be able to get in some time tomorrow!

Be careful out there!

The Turquoise Monster is on the way SOON!


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Well I have the greatest daughter in the world, she hooked me up with a new 4000! I gess all those trials and tribulations when she was a rebelious teenager were worth it! I didn't get to use it much as it rained all day but I did get out about 3 this afternoon and got one little baby nugget. I will try to st a pic tomarow.


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Hello Guys,

Wonderer - I will try to give you a call this evening. Yes, I have all the lower shafts in stock at all times. There are three different ones, the Minelab lower stock shaft ($32.97), the Otto heavy-duty lower shaft ($35), or the Otto heavy-duty lower "extra-long" shaft ($39). The Otto extra long is like 3-4 inches longer than the Minelab stock or standard Otto lower shafts.

Grubstake - Wish I had more FREE time to play around up there with you guys. Been hunting the Arizona deserts for 15 years, sometimes it seems like the same old places again and again ....

Karl - The Turquoise Monster!!! :ph34r: There will be some good times once again on the 24 Karat Gold Hunters Club. Looking forward to seeing everyone again this year.

Bunk - Sure wish I had a daughter like yours! ;) The new GPX-4000 might be your Birthday and Christmas presents for the next 10 years. You're going to love the detector and it sounds like you have already scored with the new unit. Congrats!

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Thats OK ROB, as long as you give me a few day notice in advace, you can come over and play anytime. And Dennis too! Both you guys are great to hunt with, besides I like to see you face when you hook into a Mariposa nugget, it glows like a Christmas tree! :P:P:P Grubstake

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