Questions about my new SD2100v2

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I just got my new Minelab SD2100v2 and have about 20 hours with it. It is completely stock from the factory with 11" DD coil.

My first question is about ground balance, I have been out to 29 palms in the Dale mine area and Randsburg. Both places it seems to make no difference where the balance 1 & 2 knobs are set. I read and followed the owners manual (multiple times). Is this normal? is there such low mineralization in these areas that it makes no difference? or is this coil just super stable. Also if this is normal which way do I rotate the knobs to get the best depth (clockwise or counterclockwise).

Another question I have is I am constantly getting a weird wobbly sound (near the ground or up in the air) , I assume it is far off powerline or microwave or something like that but the Tune knob seems to not make much difference except when it is turned just about all the way clockwise it gets a little quieter but it seems to never smooth out completely. Also which way should I turn the Tune knob to get maximum depth?

And last what would you guys recommend for deep hunting, platypus, 18" mono or ??? Also will using an aftermarket coil or other devices void my warranty?

Thank you guys very much I have learned alot from this forum an appreciate any info to get this figured out.

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Hello DigDeep,

Only have a few minutes, but will post more this evening. The SD2100 is a great unit, especially for the price. There are a lot fo things you can do to increase performance even more than stock. The SD2100 also have the option of running seperate channels in very high mineralized areas.

Yes, you will pick up some interference if you pick the searchcoil off the ground. This is normal, but you can tune some of the noise out with the "tune" knob.

Aftermarket coils will not void the Minelab warranty.

Hope this helps a bit,

Rob Allison

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Dig deep . Start out the ground balancing in channel 1 . Move the coil up and down a few inches from the ground. If there is a change in the threshold sound (moaning) either going up or down, turn the GB knob one way or the other. If you get more sound while pumping it up and down then turn the knob the other way until there is no change in sound either going up or down . Repeat the process in channel 2. once channel 2 is balanced , switch to search and pump the coil up and down again. There should now be no change in the threshold sound if you have done it right. There is no set place for the GB knobs to be. The ground dictates where they will be.This is how you always want it to be while searching for best depth and sensitivity. You are hunting in a high interference area because of all the military radar towers and the giant double power line at Randsburg. Using the interference tuning knob , find the quietest setting . That will be the best to run at since it will be easier to hear the targets. It has very little if any effect on the sensitivity no matter where it is set. With practice, the ground balancing is quick and easy. Make sure you have the threshold volume turned up to a smooth hum before trying to ground balance. You cannot ground balance with a silent threshold. While hunting in those areas with high interference you may find it easier to detect with a fairly high threshold volume. It helps smooth out those wobbles. You may find that the ground balance is just fine where it is at and needs no adjustment. If you pump the coil up and down a few inches in the search setting and there is no change in the threshold then you are good to go. When changing locations you will probably have to reset the ground balance and in some locations you might have to reset it several times a day. It will tell you when to do it. ---Bob

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Hello Digdeep, good advice from some very experienced operators. Just to add to what has already been said, when tuning out interference try to place the coil flat on the ground (as per how you would have the coil when detecting) and then turn the tune knob gradually through the range either clock wise or anti clock wise. As you do this listen to the threshold to see if the warbling becomes more insistant or if it reduces.

Sometimes it is impossible to get rid of all the noise from things such as power lines, so this leaves you with 2 choices with the 2100. Firstly wait for a windy day and then detect upwind of the interference source, as we have discovered wind blows the interference away from powerlines. The next option is to obtain a figure 8 coil, a figure 8 has a monoloop transmit with a monoloop receive twisted into a figure 8 shape, this type of coil can almost completley cut out interference near powerlines etc. They also have amazing sensitivity to small gold but have limited depth compared to a traditional monoloop. I think Coiltek manufacture these coils and market them as an Anti-interference coils or salt coils.

Always try to GB the machine to dead quiet (no noise when lifting the coil away from the ground and no noise approaching the ground), the 2100's do not like to be ground balanced (GB) in a positive position like we used to use with the Whites Vsat's etc (used this technique a lot in the VLF days to counteract ground noise and hot rocks). If the GB is out either way on the 2100's it costs depth so it is important to get it right. In some ground types there will be little variation in Cannnel 1, however you should be able to notice some differences in channel two assuming it is auriferous country (mineralised ground).

Hope this helps, there are some performance add ons for the 2100, namely a higher voltage battery system and also using a booster speaker combo, both of which provide reasonable increases in performance.


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WOW , Thanks guys that really helps, I am glad it is not just my machine, I thought it might be defective. I think I will go to another location next time away from military and high power lines to give it a go and really try to learn my machine better.

Again, thanks for the advise, I really appreciate it.

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Hello DigDeep,

Great talking with you tonight on the phone. I think you will be pleased with either coil I suggested and even the Coiltek Pocket Rocket Li-Ion System. Give me a call again when you get time and I can give you some tips on the SD2100v2 that worked well for me.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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