Miner Matts Father-in Law

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Hi! All, today miner Matts father-in-law, Ron passed on, he lived his last days with Matt and his daughter, Matts wife, Dawnya. He was in a lot of pain the past few weeks, and wanted to go home to the lord, I got the peasure of meeting him before he passed and spent a few hours with him. The prayers of my wife and I go with Ron, and Matt and his wife , and her family. Ron will suffer no more. He's in Gods hands now and will be forever in my memory. Matt and Dawnya have our condolances. Grubstake

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Condolences To Matt and his kind wife who's name I screwed up when meeting ( Matt knows that story :blink: )

Ron's definetly in a better place now he was really hurting.


Send me my freaken shovel I left up there since none of us can go up on your property without getting butt shot :angry:

P.S.S had to buy a new one to work the San Joaquin river Saturday ( for fine flaky gold ), take your time. B)

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