Debate on the Classifieds

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Hello All,

I was in the field all day today, but received a call from Dawn that there was some debate on my Classified Section. I had Dawn delete the debate, but wanted to clarify something.

The "Classified Section" is FREE to use. I don't ask for anything, just that you list everything you can about whatever you're trying to sell. I also encourage pictures if you have them.

Now someone mentioned about having Minelab "upgrade" a metal detector. Dick Shultz is not only a great friend, but head of the Repairs at Minelab USA, Inc. Minelab doesn't "upgrade" metal detectors to a newer unit, nor modify them to "perform better" than what they originally did.

Minelab USA, Inc. in Las Vegas can do all repairs on Minelab Metal Detectors, but they don't upgrade or modify any metal detectors. It is very possible for them to replace small electronic components with newer, updated parts to make whatever repairs are needed.

Hope this helps,

Rob Allison

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im sorry for the uproar. i asked a simple question about what had been done to "upgrade" the machine as when i had my extreme, right after the 3000 came out, i heard someone mention the same thing so i called and spoke to dick personally. he told me "the only way to upgrade an extreme is to buy a 3000", plus i had read about it in another thread on the forums here where you mentioned the same thing dick shultz had told me...i posted this info in the thread for the guy and he got real ticked to say the least, and he never would say who he bought it from.. he mentioned that he bought it from someone here on the forums who he trusts explicitly and if the guy told him it was upgraded at minelab, his word was as good as gold. i asked because i hadnt heard of any upgrade, and was curious as they might have came out with something since i spoke to dick. didnt mean for it to turn into an like his answer to the whole situation was to throw profanities at me on the forums......

anyway, sorry again for the uproar....

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Guest Mike C...

Hi Rob I did'nt catch the debate thing on the classifieds-but as you know I had a extreme for a while and had to send it to minelab a couple of times because there was a problem with the compatibility of the NF coils on it-something to do with some resisters-so after they replaced the resisters my extreme did seem to run alot smoother--I;m not calling this an upgrade but what ever they did made it better--I know Dave and used his extreme just briefly and it was very smooth as far as stability and anyone that gets this machine will not be buying a lemon but a good one -as you know in the SD/GPextreme era-not all machines worked the same-which minelab did address on the new generation GP's--Mike C... :ph34r:

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Hello Guys,

Nuggetdigger - No biggie, you were just looking out for others. I see both of your sides and everything is ok.

Mike C - Yes, I agree with you. There didn't seem to be too many GP Extreme's that were alike. I know mine was very noisy, but hot on small gold. Have you been out nugget hunting?

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hi Rob I did'nt catch the debate thing on the classifieds-but as you know I had a extreme for a while and had to send it to minelab a couple of times because there was a problem with the compatibility of the NF coils on it-something to do with some resisters-so after they replaced the resisters my extreme did seem to run alot smoother--I;m not calling this an upgrade but what ever they did made it better--I know Dave and used his extreme just briefly and it was very smooth as far as stability and anyone that gets this machine will not be buying a lemon but a good one -as you know in the SD/GPextreme era-not all machines worked the same-which minelab did address on the new generation GP's--Mike C... :ph34r:


i made it a point to let him know twice in the whole thing that even if it WASNT upgraded, that the price he was asking for it was MORE than fair. you cant hardly even find an SD machine for that price, let alone a GP. what i think happened is that maybe he misunderstood when he got the machine, and maybe the guy sent it back to minelab for a once over and tune-up, and the guy mistook it for an "upgrade". i dont think that the guy,knowing that most gold detectorists use GP series machines, and knowing the experience with them floating around here would intentionally get on here and LIE in an attempt to sell the machine, i think it must have been a misunderstanding on his part, and when he was confronted with the evidence that contradicted what he said, instead of looking into it further and possibly correcting the ad and situation, he just blew up and got ticked off over it. maybe i should have just kept my mouth shut, but id have hated to see someone buy a detector and lay out that much dough just to find out that it was misrepresented ( weather it be intentionally or unintentionally).

either way, like i said, the price hes asking for it ( even though he cussed me good and told me i made an enemy for is still more than fair as far as im concerned. i found myself a looooong time ago that all it takes is one single find to pay for your detector, and with gold as high as it is, anymore it doesnt even have to be a BIG find.........

believe me,im not going to looose any sleep over the whole thing, but i do wish him well and i really do hope he sells his machine.

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Hello Mike,

I know what you mean about stealth. I guess I can't show all my recent big nuggets then if you're all going to hold out! :( I've been debating about selling a couple of whoppers and purchase a new truck, but everyone keeps saying gold is going to double. It's now over $900, can't imagine if it goes to a couple thousand. Someone might stake a mining claim in my front yard. I can see "worthless" mineral claims all along 60 as you head West. Go figure who is staking all these worthless mineral claims .... Just imagine if it gets to 2k, you also might have claims in your front yard. :rolleyes:

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hello Dave,

I didn't get to read your PM. By the time I got home, Dawn deleted the PM's. You're more than welcome to use the classified forum. Someone just had a questions about your listing and it got out of hand. I really didn't get to read any of it .... so really don't know what was said besides what Dawn told me.

I will delete your listing once your GP Extreme sells. How does that sound?

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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Hi Rob,

From a technical standpoint, if a product, item, or device has parts replaced that are newer or enhanced such that there is an improvement or for the purpose of improvement, then such modification, repair, or part replacement can easily be considered an upgrade.

That is the basic definition of uprade which is to improve.

So, even though ML may not want to use the term because it may cause confusion, I can certainly understand why a person might use it. Now, I also believe that people are smart enough to understand that saying they had their xxx detector upgraded, it means it was repaired or modified to match the latest version of that same model of detector and not modified to a new model.

Personally, I think the owner felt that there was an improvement quite likely because of a parts replacement, and stated it as as an upgrade. So, this just might be what happened here and it got out of hand for all the wrong reasons.

I also do not think we should redefine technical terms because they do not fit the opinions or concerns of a company.

Just my thoughts.


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exactly reg....i never said it was upgraded to a 3000 ...i just said it was upgraded....some know it all jumped in and started antagonizing me...thats the problem with the gold forums now...too many little indians and not enough chiefs...most of the old timers that really know what they are talking about dont want to post any information anymore because some idiot pisses them off..i have been prospecting for about 27 years and could teach some of these know it alls something if they'd keep their ears open and their big mouths shut....but i havent posted for quite a while and wont again...let them learn to prospect the hard way

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azdave35 & Reg

I too had a GP Extreme that I had trouble with the treshold tone from day one.I sold it to a guy in Washington State but I first sent it back to Minelab and they did find trouble with it.When I got it back it sounded better than it ever had and the threshold was as good as my GP3500 when I got it.

When you take anything electronic that was made a year ago because of trouble it's having now it's some form of upgrade.Technology never stops,just to make the GP Extreme over again it can't help but be better than the first time because technology has moved up also.I'd say you would be hard press to find all of the same parts that the GP Extreme has in it when it was first made back when.

Chuck Anders

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Hi Chuck,

As a general rule if you have a noisy threshold all the time, regardless of where you are, then this usually points to internal noise as the culprit. Such noise can come from a noisy opamp, a noisy FET, or even a noisy resistor. In such cases, a newer component is installed in place of the noisy one. It is or can require a distinct part change. If it is just a exact parts replacement, then it could be called a simple repair. If it takes a different part or combination of parts different than originally designed, then the change can easily be construed as an upgrade.

I have heard rumors that some noise comes from improper positioning of ferrite beads, but this should show up more in congested areas and not so much in remote locations.

One good way to reduce or to determine at least partly where the noise is coming from is to try a anti interference coil that is also commonly called a salt coil. The design of this coil is such that external noise is canceled, thus any noise heard generally has to be coming from within the detector itself.

Woody from OZ made a good youtube video on the subject and demos how a very basic noise canceling coil works. The easiest to build is just what he did and that is to make a larger coil and twist it into a figure 8.

Here is the link to the Woody's video for those interested. It is interesting and does a decent job of explaining more about the noise canceling aspect of such a coil.


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Hello Dave & Reg,

I'm not going to debate this, I never had a problem with the classified ad. I would agree, Dave never mentioned it was an upgrade to a newer version.

I'm sure Dave won't have any problems selling the GP Extreme. Also, hate to see anyone not wanting to contribute. I'm sure he has a lot of knowledge like many others that just lurk out there.

Wishing you the best,

Rob Allison

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