My house this morning. Grubstake

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Yep It snowed, more on the way tonight. sure puts detecting on hold for a bit, I'm getting cabin fever. Grubstake My elv. is only 1937 I guess it got down to1000 ft. they say.

Grubstake we got about 8-9 inches in the park. Half my employees called out not driving in this. Which is fine were slow. Watch out weather man says more to come. Stay in and rest up for a good season.

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Hi! Chuck, I use to live in San Antonio, I was stationed at FT. Sam for a year. Married a Texan ,my first wife, I use to drive for C&H Transportaion out of Dallas, I also lived in Granbury Texas for about 8 years. The old saying is"IF TEXANS WERE MENT TO SKI< THEY WOULD HAVE MADE BULL SH** WHITE. Take care Grubstake

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I 've slide through alot of that Bull S--- but none of it was white. Years ago me and my stepfather would haul cattle to the market, I'd be the one to kick them out of the trailer.I think a cow can carry a bucket of s--- in each hoof and it's all pointed at you.

Keep Warm!

Chuck Anders

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RAIN RAIN RAIN I was supposed to drive to Reedley today I called in sick hell with that not worth the effort or $$ all i had was a touch up not driving 50 miles to make $50.

I got up your way Grub on Saturday snow between coursegold and Oakhurst, I like not having to deal with that cold wet stuff but the hills sure are pretty whitened up that way.

Went out to drop my dredge in for a test run and got hit with torential rain and stuck in the mud down on the lower San Joaquin below Friant, had to move my dredge location anyhow no storage here in my apartment garage is loaded with painting, fishing and prospecting stuff plus fitting my truck inside is a pain already spent 2 hours last night sorting crap out and tossing it, old buckets of paint are going to the city for disposal some I am donating to Alano club here who needs the paint.

Stay warm guys I know you all have wood stoves up there and are all cozy probably watching the snow fall as I type.

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