Almost Ready to quit

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Boy, I tell you, with all I have been through the last few months, health issues and detecting partners, I was ready to sell everything I have and JUST quit detecting. I called my uncle tonight, and he's coming over next weekend to go detecting with me. I can't go by myself, with my heart and other problems. I just have to have a partner with me, or atleast radio contact and range of me. Seems like I got a real bad case of cabin fever. with the rain and snow here for the last three weeks, I haven't been able to dettect anywhere. But next SAT. I'm going exploring, I'm going to find a new place so I can detect. But with my uncle. As everyone else doesn't want to hunt with me or is busy. I lost the realy only place I could hunt by myself, due to the owners being put in full time medical care hospital and there grown kids took over the land and are selling it off. So they stoped all detecting. My loss. My hill side patch got closed off too. That why the bikes are for sale, I have no place to ride them now, I start them ever day or two just to keep them running incase someone is interested in them. When I first started detecting as hobby, I lived to detect, now I detect to live. It keeps me going, other wise I think I'd just give up and then I'd have to go into the hosiptal myself. Life is funny, as long as you feel a purpose to get out and live you can. But right now, I don't feel like that. I have shared my patches, and taken people freely to where I hunted. But now feel like an abondon child. No one wants to hunt with me. My feelings on it is when you no longer can get people on a good place. They abandon you. I still have friends, but not as many as I thought I had. And it saddens me. Matt is my friend, and he knows just what I'm talking about, we are both having the same problems, but in a different way. Sorry about the rambling, but it made me feel good. Grubstake

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That would be nice, I liked having you and Dennis out, he's a hoot for sure. I got to get with my uncle and find some new ground, I want to be able to detect when he comes over to go with me. What I need is someone that not tied up too much to go with me when my old body, and weather will let me hunt. I want to get as much in as I ca, before I have my surgert, even though its just gall blader, I don't know with my heart, how I'm going to be after. My heart DR. won't let me have it yet, until I under go a battery of tests, next month. Grubstake

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Grubstake don't be giving up on us now. I'd be happy to go out with when I can. I'm off weekends and got some vacation to burn. Let me know. Went today got skunked but I wanted my buddy to start swinging a detector in not too tough of ground. I mean I'm no pro but I sure do like going out. So if you don't mind a fella asking a few questions. This winter has been hard hitting. It's tough the weather man is calling 37 inches tonight and tommorow. I getting tired of it. The roads are dangerous and work stuff is kind of miserable. Looking forward to longer days and warmer temps. At minimun if you just someone to shoot the sh&* with pm me or give me a call 372 4974. I might be going out tommorow if we can catch a break. Looks like the storm is going to drop out early.Give me a call in the morning 7-8 if your interested . I need to wash this darn clay off me and hit the sack.


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Just hang in there Grub and get past it all, This too shall pass.

I was going to go up with Cooter tomorrow but my girl is real sick I took off today just for a few hours and went to the closest spot I know just to shake off the gold lust. I went down below Millerton Dam in Friant 15 minute drive and found just a few fly crap size specks in a concentrated 5 gallon bucket but a little color was just enough and getting out for 2 hours will hold me over.

Soon as I can I'll get up your way and maybe find a new patch somewhere, get old Fred out and Matt make a day out of it, meet up with Jay too, Like to meet Rob also, lets get past this next few storms.

You all stay safe up there and keep them wood burning fireplaces going.

Hey have you detected much up around Schilling road? Quartz mountains areas?

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I agree with Wes. Don't quit! We all have cabin fever right now cause of this weather. Come up this way for a hunt and I'll even pay for your gas. We could make an outing of it. I have been reading your posts for a few years and I think it would be a real shame for you to hang it up. Take care.



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Hey Grubstake if you 'quit' we would all loose a very valuable forum contributor not only here on Robs forum, but on the other forums you post to as well.....and for pete's sake don't sell the 'bikes' yet, that new patch your going to find is going to require them! B)

Lets just put it this way.....It's not time to give up the Ship.....regardless of the changes that face us as we get older, heck I'm pushing 60 and still want to get out more! Don't want to say much here but, my ole 'bod' is in need of a bit of "tweeking" from the likes of those more in the know than a "Snap-On" wrench designer!

Believe it or not your posts as to the finds you've made and the sense of humor displayed would be missed if you just "quit".....and I just got glasses that allow me to drive at night, I had a hell of a time with these new Halogen Headlights. Now all I gotta do is.....Clean my windshield :P so I get the full effect of the glasses!

BTW, are you connected to 'dial-up' or High Speed internet.....and is High Speed available where you live?

One more thing that I've found to avert the strain of "Cabin Fever" is to write. Just write and store it on the computer and maybe later share it with others.

AND DON'T QUIT :D ..... Dang, I say the same to all of the folks here.....Keep On Keeping On! Ahhh would a Yee-Haw be appropriate here?..... YEE-HAW! :):lol:


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Grubby, Nugget and I will be heading up to Oregon sometime in April and it looks like we'll be coming up your way. I'd be more than happy to stop by and go out for a day or 2 with you. Heck, I'd even let you hold onto Nugget's leash. You just get yourself a long stick and tie a Milkbone on it. He'lll take you anywhere you want to go!

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Hi Grubstake I know the feeling Arctic Hysteria has me also in its deadly grip and it is -6F this morning in Anch I have a lot on my plate right now also and it seems to have piled up on me some but I think there is a brighter side to all of this. Better weather is ahead for all of us don't give up I was hoping to one day stop by and maybe hunt some if we can but for now all I can do is wait...Geo

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U gotta hang in there Grubstake you are like an icon on this forum and I sure enjoy reading your posts. Keep your head up and things will begin to change for the good. Cant wait to see the pics of your new multi ounce nugget patch you are going to find :D

Happy Hunting


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Hotrock, that would be great if I did that, but for me, its not all about the gold. Sure I'm happy when I find some, but being cooped up, and losing friends over what I call, piddly a** stuff, and being sick, is the pits. I'm sick, my wife is sick, we take care of her 84 year old mother, she's doing bad, my mother was just in a car wreck. All piled on at once, makes things, including me crazy. Can't wait to get out. Grubstake

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The last time I detected was probably around Sept. and I won't be able to again until probably April, which stinks. Once the snow is gone hopefully the cabin fever will go. In the meantime, it's time to sit back in the chair and do some research, online exploration, and book reading in preparation for the spring. Find a promising spot and pinpoint it on the map.

At least I got to go ice fishing Friday for some trout up in the mtns with our office staff. The ice was almost a foot thick. The largest trout was a little over 4 lbs. Here's a shot of the biggest trout caught by Joel. Not quite as good as a nugget when it comes to cabin fever but still very nice.

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:) Grub,

Hey, I'm suffering from Cabin Fever too! This Winter in California is overdue. I remember when I was stationed at Castle AFB (Atwater) in the early 90's, it rained 25 or 26 days straight. That Winter floods exposed a spot that the old timers missed down in Sherlock Canyon, Mariposa. Now, I'm retired military and have a lot of time to poke around and live North of Sacramento near Beale AFB. I have a few Winter patchs here in the rolling hills, but love to dredge the high country Sierra County during the Summer. If your in my neck of the woods feel free to drop me and e-mail and I'll do the same as I have a retired military friend that lives in your town (I still know a spot or two, that your 4000 will get that I didn't or couldn't)


Hey same goes for you since we live in the same area.


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I agree, in person it was even more colorful. The cutthroats were the best being pink and reddish, with some blue-silver and white. Just lay them on the snow covered ice and they would keep all day out there. I think the one in the photo was a cutthroat very iridescent when wet in the sunlight.

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