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Hi JP,

Of course yourself and Steve want your names and locations and phone numbers to be known, you are both Minelab dealers ! I have no commercial enterprise that would benefit from posting my personal details here.

Is asking you to provide proof that you speak officially on behalf of Minelab when you make claims about up-coming models "viperous rumours" ?

In a previous post you mentioned how much effort you go to in educating people on the use of their investment, you neglected to mention your ensueing DVD sales though.

People have seen what I have written and the logic and reasoning behind it without, unlike yourself, resorting to name calling.

Perhaps you could tell us how much in dB the SNR has been improved in the new model. How much further will the 4500 see a standarised test target than previous models. These are the things that matter to people contemplating blowing 6 grand, not technowaffle like S.E.T.A.

I look forward to perhaps meeting you or your successor when we do comparative testing between the 4500 and other emerging technologies.



I tell you what BugWhiskers (sorry about the miss spelling before BTW) how about you tell me how Smooth Mode works on this and all the other forums you write on and just maybe I will start to take you seriously. :huh: Until then you are only a handle on a forum who is going about the place casting aspersions on my good name, something I have worked long and hard for by providing very real and useful information to electronic prospectors world wide (take a peek at the amount of posts I have made on the various forums and then reflect on the negative posts you have had to offer, I don't feel I have anything to prove).


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I tell you what BugWhiskers (sorry about the miss spelling before BTW) how about you tell me how Smooth Mode works on this and all the other forums you write on and just maybe I will start to take you seriously. :huh: Until then you are only a handle on a forum who is going about the place casting aspersions on my good name, something I have worked long and hard for by providing very real and useful information to electronic prospectors world wide (take a peek at the amount of posts I have made on the various forums and then reflect on the negative posts you have had to offer, I don't feel I have anything to prove).


Hi JP,

Sorry about the mis-spelling you say, such insincerity I say, the odds of two typo's like that are millions to one.

I suspect that the SS mode is just timings, removing the long pulse and making up the TX cycle time with more shorter pulses thus enhancing the integration and sensitivity. What I do know for sure about it is the response to a 10 gram nugget was optimised with a falling away in sensitivity either side of it. Graphs were posted as evidence. Prospectors are definately finding smaller gold in that mode but at what expense, you need a lot of fly dung to make an ounce. Perhaps you could tell us if ML have figured out a way of lessening the holes for certain nuggets at certain depth. That would be more interesting to most than how the SS mode works.

I still await your answer to the questions raised about your post on G&C forum this morning.



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If'I tell you something you can take it to the bank and cash it because I'm not going to tell you something if it's not true.Now with that said I had a dealer offer to sell me a GP3500 for all most his cost so Minelab would let him keep his dealership.I didn't do it and yes I could save alot of money but I got it from Rob.

When you got a company like Minelab and they have the only plus the best detector for nugget hunting they will be calling the shots.Where would you be if they didn't come out with this detector because you know before no detector could handle the ground in OZ.

Minelab is doing the same as car companys and the same as Whites with something new to pull in more profit.To employ people and keep the company going they have to make a profit because if they don't there goes the people,company and Minelab metal detector.

I'm not in bed with Minelab,I don't like their price and I can't change a thing.I don't have to buy it but right now I will until I can buy something better from another.


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What you were telling Trevor on prospecting OZ. about a seller of dreams well I guess thats what Minelab been to alot of us.Now for alot that dream has come true and they got the gold to show for it.When I pickup a detector over 40 years ago I to was picking up a dream and I'm still on that dream trip.I hope I never get so old that I want off of it.

Best to You!


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I don't think you said what kind of detector you use.Now as much you dislike Minelab even if it's a mod SD2000 I'd go throw it in the trash and I'd never pick up a detector again that had the letter M on it.

Now has anyone been out and found some gold today?Well you please post a picture I think I need a gold shot. :blink:


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I don't think you said what kind of detector you use.Now as much you dislike Minelab even if it's a mod SD2000 I'd go throw it in the trash and I'd never pick up a detector again that had the letter M on it.

Now has anyone been out and found some gold today?Well you please post a picture I think I need a gold shot. :blink:


no one can find any more gold untill this 4500 hits the old worked out patches

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Hi dannizoe

"People have seen what I have written and the logic and reasoning behind it without, unlike yourself, resorting to name calling".

From where I sit all you do is name call. You imply that since I am a Minelab dealer I am not to be trusted. You go on endlessly about JP again implying he is not to be trusted.

I think you've been given an opportunity to explain who you are and why you appear to have such a huge chip on your shoulder. You've declined that opportunity and so you merit no further attention. Your identity fraud argument for hiding your real identity is a crock. You simply want to cast stones from behind your cloak of anonymity. Your only goal appears to be to disrupt. I have no more time to waste on this negativity and so my part of this discussion is over.

"An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion. Do Not feed the trolls!"

Steve Herschbach

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Hi dannizoe

"People have seen what I have written and the logic and reasoning behind it without, unlike yourself, resorting to name calling".

From where I sit all you do is name call. You imply that since I am a Minelab dealer I am not to be trusted. You go on endlessly about JP again implying he is not to be trusted.

I think you've been given an opportunity to explain who you are and why you appear to have such a huge chip on your shoulder. You've declined that opportunity and so you merit no further attention. Your identity fraud argument for hiding your real identity is a crock. You simply want to cast stones from behind your cloak of anonymity. Your only goal appears to be to disrupt. I have no more time to waste on this negativity and so my part of this discussion is over.

"An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion. Do Not feed the trolls!"

Steve Herschbach

You could not have said it any better. Do not feed the Trolls. For some reason this gentleman has something against Minelab. Well, when you are the best, you can charge what you want for it. Here in America, its called capitalism and we are used to it. Maybe this gentleman truely prefers Socialism and expects everything to be handed to him. I like our way better. If Minelab wants to charge 5500 Retail for the 4500, so be it. If you don't like the price, do not pay it. Personally, I am looking foreward to forking out the 5500 necessary to hold the best detector. 5.5 ounces of gold at todays prices pay for it and I'm quite sure that the 4500 will do the job at least as good as the 4000.

Happy Hunting All.


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Bugwiskers what a waste of time your life must be!

With that said, subject change in hand here!

S.E.T.A- If I were to guess what the T in S.E.T.A stood for I would think it would be timing.

When the 4000 came out I wondered why the other timings on the detector were so noise compered to the Smooth mode. I will almost bet that Minelab figured out how to quiet down the other timings.

If they did look out, this will be another great detector from Minelab.

But I must come clean there are some things that Minelab needs to step up and take care of.

How about a water proof coil and larger bolt for the same, a speaker and a battery that fit in the box.

A built in amp and a decent sized bungee. And please, please, please a discriminator that will work on small iron bits and boot tacks.

Hope I'm not asking for too much.

Take care,Matt

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Hi dannizoe

"People have seen what I have written and the logic and reasoning behind it without, unlike yourself, resorting to name calling".

From where I sit all you do is name call. You imply that since I am a Minelab dealer I am not to be trusted. You go on endlessly about JP again implying he is not to be trusted.

I think you've been given an opportunity to explain who you are and why you appear to have such a huge chip on your shoulder. You've declined that opportunity and so you merit no further attention. Your identity fraud argument for hiding your real identity is a crock. You simply want to cast stones from behind your cloak of anonymity. Your only goal appears to be to disrupt. I have no more time to waste on this negativity and so my part of this discussion is over.

"An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion. Do Not feed the trolls!"

Steve Herschbach

Hi Steve,

Thankyou for this post. You have shown clearly what any new members can expect if they dare tell it like it is re ML's products, pricing and practices. Whilst yourself and JP derive pecuniary benefits from your association with ML you are in the minority. By stifling any criticism of ML you are contributing to the ever increasing prices of their products and the drip feed in technology to the detriment of the majority of your fellow prospectors.



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Hi Steve,

Thankyou for this post. You have shown clearly what any new members can expect if they dare tell it like it is re ML's products, pricing and practices. Whilst yourself and JP derive pecuniary benefits from your association with ML you are in the minority. By stifling any criticism of ML you are contributing to the ever increasing prices of their products and the drip feed in technology to the detriment of the majority of fellow your prospectors.



Bugwhiskers....Why do you think that someone who sells almost All the major brands of detectors would Lie about something pertaining to a particular brand? I, personally, do not understand that line of thought. I have read Many posts from the people in question and have had many questions responded to by the same people. I have not found One instance where I personally felt that they were trying to sell me something or convince me of something other than their Honest Opinion. These people refer customers to each other based on location! What would they be trying to sell to us??


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Steve Herschbach is the most honest person I have run across in the hobby of metal detecting.

He has stated time and time again that in some places in Alaska the VLF will run circles around the PI machines. You would think that he would try to sell you the most expensive machine made. (Minelab GPX 4000) Either that is bad business or he is just being honest. You be the judge.

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Bugwiskers what a waste of time your life must be!

With that said, subject change in hand here!

S.E.T.A- If I were to guess what the T in S.E.T.A stood for I would think it would be timing.

When the 4000 came out I wondered why the other timings on the detector were so noise compered to the Smooth mode. I will almost bet that Minelab figured out how to quiet down the other timings.

If they did look out, this will be another great detector from Minelab.

But I must come clean there are some things that Minelab needs to step up and take care of.

How about a water proof coil and larger bolt for the same, a speaker and a battery that fit in the box.

A built in amp and a decent sized bungee. And please, please, please a discriminator that will work on small iron bits and boot tacks.

Hope I'm not asking for too much.

Take care,Matt

Hi Matt,

You might be surprised to know that in addition to ML making huge profits on their detectors they also get Australian Taxpayer funded Government grants. If you compare the build quality and finish on a Garrett Infinium and the 4000 you might be excused for asking yourself just what are they doing with these profits.

Whilst forums exist that shun people who dare to critique ML you will have to contend with ever increasing prices and a drip feed in technology. The 13 year old flawed MPS ground balance method that causes loss of certain targets at certain depths is still being used. Why weren't some of the profits expended on solving this problem? It's no secret that a PI with an IB coil gives a totally different signal for Fe and non FE targets, why weren't some of the profits spent making a true discriminating PI. Your wishes may come true but not until a real competitor emerges to jerk the slack out of ML.



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