White's Gold Detectors

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Could anyone give me the order of white's gold detectors and the year released and in your opinion what was the best one. I have a V/Sat and was wondering how it compares to the other White's gold detectors.

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You ask alot but I too have had some in the pass.We are right now sitting around the camp fire waiting on Whites to come out with their new PI nugget detector in the next month are so.It's never good to look back in the past because we are a moving on group of people.

By that we have Minelab GPX4500 out by April 7th and the Nemesis PD has pictures on OZ.forum but no report on field test on any.

Now Digger Bob has been one of the testers on Whites PI but nothing has been said yet.So I don't know whats behind your question but don't buy nothing just yet until you read all the field reports.


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Could anyone give me the order of white's gold detectors and the year released and in your opinion what was the best one. I have a V/Sat and was wondering how it compares to the other White's gold detectors.

I don't know the exact year they came out but Steve H could probably tell you.

The first one was.

1. Gold Master

2. Gold Master 2

3. Gold Master V Sat

4. GM3

5. Gold Master 4B

6. GMT

I don't believe I left any out but if I did someone will let you know.

I have owned almost all these detectors and still have a GM3. IMO the GM3 is the best.

Although I found lot's of gold with the VSAT.


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Could anyone give me the order of white's gold detectors and the year released and in your opinion what was the best one. I have a V/Sat and was wondering how it compares to the other White's gold detectors.

If you don't count the original Goldmaster that came out in the mid '70's, the Goldmaster 2 came out in late '89. About 2 years later came the V-Sat. About 3 years after that came the GM 3. A few years later came the GM 4. Lastly we now have the GMT, about 4 years old now.

I won't go into the details of the differences between them all, but most people who have used them all consider the GM3 to be the best of the lot. The earlier versions came out with a mono loop. The later ones with the new Eclipse DD. The mono loop is the most sensitive and the better choice if you can find on. If not, the mono loops are still available from Whites. The second choice would be the V-Sat. The V-Sat came with the mono loop as stock.

Now, the GMT has a few things the earlier versions don't, like auto ground balancing and tracking. I've tried the GMT but didn't care for it. I still have my GM3 and use it for certain conditions. I've found gold with it that no Minelab can touch. The same can be said for the GMT.

Really, the whole issue remains, use what you like and are comfortable with. Become one with the machine and you will find gold that others miss. If you already have a V-Sat, you have one fine machine. It's a little trickier to use and takes more time to keep it balanced and learning hot rocks and such. But it will find those fly specks that other won't. Get a copy of Zip-Zip from your Whites dealer. It has the best information and tips of anything out there.

Digger Bob

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Yep, Digger is correct on all counts.

The GM3 I have heard was one of the most under rated gold machines on the market in its time, and may still be as far as VLF's go. It is much more forgiving, than any of its predecessors, and as Digger, I really did not care for the GMT very much. BUT some people do seem to like it.

A good Whites GM3 can see stuff that an early SD or Extreme could see, but it took a good operator to sort out what he was hearing.

I think JB may chime in on the subject, as he, as DIGGER almost are icons of the VLF community, has VAST knowledge on the subject of early WHITES gold machines, as do some others that lurk here abouts, but don't contribute often.

The popularity of the GM3 is such, that many people that own them recognize that machines abilities, and

are reluctant to sell them. There is a whole host of sizes of coils available as well.

Just my dos centavos...


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The popularity of the GM3 is such, that many people that own them recognize that machines abilities, and

are reluctant to sell them.


You got that right Largo. I have had a standing search on ebay for a GM3 for several months with no luck so far. I have a GM3 now but I want a back up.

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Hi All

I don't know much about the old goldmaster of the 1970's that was before my time :mellow: . There were 2 styles of goldmaster2 which originally came out in 1990 :) . The first version had a 1/4 20 coil bolt which like the pi minelabs broke when you where in the middle of no where and left you shit outa luck :( . The second version of the Goldmaster 2 had a 3/8 inch coil bolt as do all the predicessors and an XtraGrnd Salt setting :D . The vsat came out3 or 4 years later, them the GM3 then GM4 then GMT :huh: . I totally agree with Steve. The GM3 is probably the best of the bunch , it's harness or belt mountable box makes for an easy long day of beepin ;) . I never thought much of the DD coils on the newer than GM3 models either. Since all coils are interchangeable with all units( the early model GM2 will need an upgraded wand) there isn't a whole lot of depth difference with the exception of the signal boost modes on the GM3 and up. I've never owned the GM4 or GMT I don't need a touch pad or VDI to geuss what I'm about to dig :blink: . I own 2 GM3s and never leave home without them. They are hard to beat in trashy areas and mine dumps which the PI's are virtually worthless in. Here is a link to some of my goldmaster 2, Vsat and GM3 finds , I've found lots more since this page was made and some with my minelabs too but they aren't included on this page ;) !!


Happy Huntin John B.

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  • Admin

Hello Guys,

I agree with the GM3. Over the years I've owned three of them, but ended up selling them off. I recently purchased another GM3 that's in excellent condition. I will probably keep this one. I've seen first hand what the GM3 can find that the big Minelab's miss, but I seen the flip side of that coin also, and what they have missed at extreme depths. Having a good VLF and PI is a great combination for just about anywhere.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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You got that right Largo. I have had a standing search on ebay for a GM3 for several months with no luck so far. I have a GM3 now but I want a back up.

I've got a GM III I'd turn loose of. I would like to learn to use it but have a greater interest in the "wetwork" B).

Iffn you would like to discuss email me at mopebomb@aol.com.

P.S. I've not posted here before but do at 49er Mikes and GPAA as redrum, and golddredger.com and the Alaska gold forum as pickaxe so I'm not some unknown.


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I've got a GM III I'd turn loose of. I would like to learn to use it but have a greater interest in the "wetwork" B).

Iffn you would like to discuss email me at mopebomb@aol.com.

P.S. I've not posted here before but do at 49er Mikes and GPAA as redrum, and golddredger.com and the Alaska gold forum as pickaxe so I'm not some unknown.


I emailed you about the GM3


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