More GPX4500 Gold

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Hi all, managed to head out for an hour and a half today and scored another 25 grams of the good stuff. What makes it so exciting is how easy it all seemed to come in, little like the good old days when the gold seemed to be laying everywhere. :)

That's 40 plus grams for 3 1/2 hours beeping time now. :rolleyes:

Enhance timings of course. :P


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Hi Jonathan,

Your recent post showing your latest finds are very impressive! I really liked the rough nuggets

you showed us first. Real beauties to be sure!

I noticed in one of your photos, that Minelab??? has added some very substantial bolts with wingnuts holding the

control box onto the shaft! :unsure:

There must be a story attached to that mod... :lol:

Keep us posted about you new finds!


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Hi Jonathan,

Your recent post showing your latest finds are very impressive! I really liked the rough nuggets

you showed us first. Real beauties to be sure!

I noticed that Minelab has added some very substantial bolts with wingnuts holding the

control box onto the shaft! :unsure:

There must be a story attached to that mod... :lol:

Keep us posted about you new finds!


Hi Largo,

When I assembled a 4500 a couple of days ago,

I seem to remember the bolts and wingnuts were substantially

the same as the 4000. I could, of course, be wrong.

All the best,


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Hi Flak,

You came up with the $$$$.$$ for a new $%))??...code talk for 4500...

Sounds as if it could be a kick buutocks machine.

Yep, those big bolts and wingnuts on JP's 4500 machine are obviously a VERY serious mod.


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He's been using that mod since his early videos...

The plastic bolts and wing nuts are junk and the control box will rotate with the plastic bolts because the holes are too large... My GPX was like this, the only complaint I have regarding the machine...

I used a similar fix when I couldn't get the wiggle out... Even drilled another hole so I could relocate the control box on the upper shaft...

The extension is for either a small video camera or it is from one of his older shafts so he could mount a bungee/Hipstick mod for swinging...

Boy, I though you guys noticed this stuff a while ago!!! :P

Nice stuff JP, so was this a previously 4000'd spot??? :rolleyes:


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G'day all, you are right about the wing nuts, I got sick and tired of the movement in the control box so decided to fix it properly )not so bad with the GPX series because they are much lighter but still a pain :( ).

The plastic attachment on the lower shaft is a carry over from my 24" DD Muther Ship Coiltek days.

All the gold shown is on a patch I hammered last year with the GPX4000, all targets were checked with Smooth mode and in all cases would have been missed when using that mode. I put it down to the improvement in the Enhance timings the overall quietness of the GPX4500 and the new controls such as the inbuilt booster, new volume control and Stabilizer.


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oh THOSE wingnuts...

A great good fix for those pesky plastic jobbies

that always manage to work themselves loose and

usually at the most inopportune moment.


Yeah, the more I read about it and thought about what I read,

it seemed like time to sell some gold and bite the bullet...

I have a little gold and lots of bullets.

All the best,


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Hey JP,

Congrats on your recent finds with your new GPX-4500. Always great to see your pictures and hear about your ventures in the outback of Australia.

Question for you: What do you think the best settings would be for big deep nuggets, lets say 1/2 ounce and better? Would you be using the Enhance setting?

Talk with you soon,

Rob Allison

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Hi JP,

As a fellow prospectors best source of information on Minelab's range of detectors I am sure you have just overlooked telling the guys here about a new forum.

I gather as you were the very first non Admin person to join that it must be a very interesting site.

Even if the guys don't read the posts the pretty pictures you posted there will delight them.



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Hi JP,

As a fellow prospectors best source of information on Minelab's range of detectors I am sure you have just overlooked telling the guys here about a new forum.

I gather as you were the very first non Admin person to join that it must be a very interesting site.

Even if the guys don't read the posts the pretty pictures you posted there will delight them.



What a great website!!!

i am sure it will be the best Minelab website in a couple months. Why did I not think of it???? :blink::lol::unsure:

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Hello Guys,

I've viewed the new forum, but doubt I will ever return. I have no interests in reading personal attacks and information that is always so negative.

I'm always open for debate on any detector or product, but not to continue to drive something into the ground or attack a person to no end.

If you don't like Minelab's, or any other product, don't purchase it! I could write a book about metal detector flaws from just about every manufacture, but what good would it really do?

Metal detectors are just a tool to help increase your chances of finding gold, not a Magic Wand like many expect.

Just my thoughts,

Rob Allison

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Hello Guys,

I've viewed the new forum, but doubt I will ever return. I have no interests in reading personal attacks and information that is always so negative.

I'm always open for debate on any detector or product, but not to continue to drive something into the ground or attack a person to no end.

If you don't like Minelab's, or any other product, don't purchase it! I could write a book about metal detector flaws from just about every manufacture, but what good would it really do?

Metal detectors are just a tool to help increase your chances of finding gold, not a Magic Wand like many expect.

Just my thoughts,

Rob Allison

Hello Rob , I posted there a couple of times just to show people who drop by there after following links that metal detecting for gold is not all bad, but will not be returning either. :(

On another note my gold tally for 5 1/2 hours beeping time with the 4500 is now just on 50 grams of the good stuff. B)



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Hello all,

I do prefer the lovely larger size nuggets like J.P. has posted here, but I think there is something amiss

with my 4000.

It seems to find nugget sizes not larger than 2.5 grams, or less, and while I am not COMPLAINING, mind you, it seems the machine is stuck on SMALL...

My 3000 seemed to be stuck on those sizes of gold as well.

Perhaps the 4500 would bring me larger sized gold??


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Hi Largo,

I doubt it matters what GP machine you swing, you still have to get your coil over the top of them.

The 4000 is still a great machine, look at all the great finds that were made in the last 1-2 years with them. Dont believe everything you read.

Seems like since the release of the 4500, all you read about is what a piece of crap the 4000 is.

I'm sure there is some significant advancements but it cant be night and day.

I have never been to OZ but in all my reading it sounds like they have some hot noisey gound. I dont think it is near the factor over here.

(just my thoughts) :rolleyes:


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Hello Guys,

JP - Great batch of gold! Heck, I'll take 50 grams a day anytime. Can't wait to hear what you turn up next. Keep up the great nuggethunting.

Gus - I haven't heard many negative reports about the GPX-4000. I still have mine and doubt I will sell it anytime soon. I found approx. 600-700 nuggets with mine just playing around on the weekends. Biggest nugget was nearly an ounce, but hundreds of them were small, under a Dwt in size.

A matter of fact, even though the GPX-4500's are selling very well, I'm still selling just as many GPX-4000's, which really surprised me since a new Minelab had been released.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Go to the link that budwhiskers has in his post in this thread, and you will can read enough gpx-4000 bashing to make a minelab lover like myself sick to my stomach.

I also own a 4000 and I dont plan on being rid on mine any time soon either.

And I am glad to hear business is good for you.


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Hey Gus,

Yep, I believe I viewed that forum about "bashing 4000's." I believe I spent about 30 seconds there and realized I woudn't ever be back.

I'm sure you would agree Gus, nothing is perfect, but the GPX-4000 in my opinion is one of the best, if not the best metal detector available at this time. I've seen some of your pictures and read your stories, so I know the GPX-4000 has been very well to you! ;)

I would also like to point out, I would bet more than 50% of those Australian Minelab haters are using Minelab PI detectors.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hey Rob,

I fully agree with you. And that is kind of the point I was trying to make to begin with.

The 4000 has been the best PI machine for awhile now, and I am sure that there will be many more great finds made with it.

Accually I owe credit to the 3000 for a majority of my gold collection, and I still think that is a great machine.

I am honored that you have read some of my stories.

Other than friends and family, Prospecting has been one of the best thing in my life.

Take care,


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