3/4 Oz Nuggster All Cleaned

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Yo All...I went back to the dinky wash for four days in a row and found not another single target...Just a nice honking nugget and that's that...There's no overburden to speak of...Only about 5" -9" of red dirt... So, anyhow, I buffed the 3/4 Oz. nugget with soda and then soaked it in Limeaway...Purtied it up some...I think this is the most intricate and beautiful nugget I've ever found...Cheers, Unc

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Uncle Ron

Like you said that is a beauty.Did you go back to see if it had a relative laying around?I don't know how you do it but here you are with a detector thats got green moss hanging off of it and you are posting new finds like this one. :D

The best to you!


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Hello Uncle Ron,

There is no doubt, that is one beautiful find! I really find it hard to believe there is nothing left around there. The wash might be shallow and small, but I would examine the hillsides right above that find. That nugget didn't travel very far and I'm sure there are some veins crossing the hillsides in that nearby area that produced that gold nugget. That might be the only find that made it to the creek, if so, you're going to find one hell of a patch.

Examine the nearby area for the same type of quartz that is found on your nugget.

Don't give up yet,

Rob Allison

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Yo Rob & Don...I have covered that hillside eleven ways from sunday with several different coils, inclulding my Wallaby mono...There is a drift into a mineralization area near the top of the hill that includes the quartz, ironstone matrix that I think produced this nugget...That drift and the ironstone/quartz deposit is what first lead me to go down to the little wash with the result of finding this nugget within the first five minutes...I've beeped all around it ,,, On the far side of the hill there's extensive dozer work and some shallow shafts...I have found quite a few nuggets within 1/4 mile of this spot both on washes and on sidehills...But this particular dinky wash and hill side just don't seem to have anything else...I figured I was going to be on a major patch... :( but noooooooo <_< Cheers, Unc

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Hello Uncle Ron,

Well, I've found some pretty nice one also like that. Just seem to be a small pocket or seam of gold that errodes out. I wouldn't give up on the area, but maybe give it a rest until you can think of another game plan. Sometimes you might overthink an area.

About 6-7 months ago Leaverite and I found a nice patch that produced about 2 ounces of chunky gold. The area was pretty small in size, but virgin (never touched by another detector or old-timers). Leaverite found the first nugget that was around 1.5 Dwt's. This nugget was found near an old prospect. As Leaverite hunted the lower area I walked up the hill a bit and hit a nice, solid 8+ Dwter. Not very long after I had another 8+ Dwt, then another 8 Dwt, a 5 Dwt and a few smaller ones. Without a doubt a new patch .....

We came back several times and gridded the area, but that was it. Leaverite did find one 3.5 Dwt in another spot we explored, but another lonely gold nugget. :mellow:

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Yo, Rob & All...I went back out today (Fri.) and grided the whole mountain....Bunch of shrapnel from blasting caps & a couple .22 bullets...I think this was a one off nugget...Montana and I are going to do a tour of the Vulture Mtns. and I' going t get his take o this area...cheers, Unc

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Hello Uncle Ron,

It might just be one of those lonely nuggets. I've never spent too much time around the Vulture, so my finds are minimal from that area. However, Floyd Allen scored some nice ones over there. I seen one really nice piece that was a bit over an ounce and found on one of the Roadrunner claims many years ago (mid 90's).

Hope you and Montana can figure out where the gold is coming from, or better yet, find a new patch.

P.S. Still battling this head cold I have. Was going to get out this morning for a few hours. I still might, just thinking where I might go .... :wacko:

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Yes, Jim, I kinda started thinking something like that too...They blasted into the quartz ironstone matrix at the top of the hill and most of the ironstone and quartz on the hill is angular and sharp...Not worn down or weathered at all...Looks like it all got thrown all over...But, as you can see, the nugget looks rounded and, though not too worn at all, it lacks the angularity of all the other quartz on the hillside...At the end of the day, the nugget had my name on it and that's all there is to it... :D:P:lol: Cheers, Unc

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Hello Uncle Ron,

I firmly believe that nugget had your name on it like you stated. Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason, just the fact you found the gold nugget.

With all that hard hunting and research you have been doing over there, you deserve to have such a piece like that.

Hope you're able to bump into more.

Rob Allison

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