so could these be small nuggets (pics inside)

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so as requested i am going to post up some pics of what i dug up yesterday out in the hills. i was hoping that someone could tell me if these were nuggets or not.

i should also note that the small piece on the left was the first target that i EVER dug up...

here are the pics

the first one is everything i found and the second is focused on the 2 pieces that i think actually might be somthing.



thanks for looking!

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they aren't very clear BUT...did you check them with a magnet? they look like iron to me...not magnetic, then

can you scrape them with your figernail, are they soft enough to bend easy...probably lead or some admixture with lead in it...

too hard to scrape or bend easy...maybe copper...?

if there had been gold under your coil you would have most likely found it. keep trying


btw...don't throw them away until you are sure what they are.

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They do look like iron.

However, that said, I have found pieces of gold that were covered in rust red and brown black that looked like iron when dug out of the ground - however a quick test with a magnet tells you all you need to know. After a quick washing and maybe a light scrub with a toothbrush, you can almost always see at least some gold on these types of pieces.

Zippoz - bring them to lunch tomorrow, I'll bring a magnet to show you.

I'll also bring a few small examples of detected gold, just so you can see.


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I just wanted to thank all of you experienced guys for the unselfish help that you, Montana, Rob, Chris G., Shep, Grubstake and all others that answer questions and even help out in the field just to help us that don,t have that many years experience. I have learned from all of you. Many thanks.

Slin Farris.

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  • Admin

Hello Guys,

Zippoz - Sure looks like small bits of iron rubbish, but hard to tell from the pictures. Finding small targets like that is a good start, regardless if they are gold or not.

Slim - Thanks for your comments. Glad you enjoy this forum, hope to see you posting more in the near future.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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I met with Zippoz yesterday, we had lunch and some interesting discussion.

I tested the pieces in question with a magnet, and they were indeed iron.

I also brought a few small pieces of gold with me to show for comparison sake.

He is a nice young guy who comes out west here regularly. His home base is in the Chicago area.

I am sure he will find some gold on one of his return trips to Nevada.


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