Should I get a 4500?

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I have a question for 4500 or 4000 owners who have owned or used a SD2100v2 . I know they are more sensitive on small gold but are they really any better on deep larger nuggets? I usually hunt with a 14" or 18" coil going for bigger stuff at greater depths because it seems like all the little shallow ones have been gotten by the guys with VLF detectors in the areas I usually go ( so cal deserts). I currently have a SD2100v2 w/pocket rocket regulator and black widow headphones and looking to see if it is justifiable to get a 4500, If so I will get one.


Dig Deep

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Whether to upgrade or not:

That's a personal decision that only you can make.

Each person who detects has different talents, different experience,

different patience, different knowledge, etc.

The 4500 is a terrific detector, you know that by reading about it.

Maybe you could go out with someone that has one, see if they'll let you use it.

You may be great with the detector you have now, lots of people opt to keep

what they are familiar with.

It's not a magic detector, it takes the same amount of diligence that you are

using with the one you have now.

It is a touch more sensitive and "modern", but you already know that.

Let us know what you choose.

All the best


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Hello DigDeep,

One of greatest advantages of the GP and GPX series is their ability to find smaller gold at depth. You might be amazed on how much smaller gold might be in those areas just out of VLF range, but within the GP/GPX series range. I've never dug so many smaller nuggets (from a few grains to 2-3 Dwts) at great depths.

I can't state you're going to find a bunch of bigger gold at depth that you missed with the SD series, but I would almost bet there is smaller gold at depth being missed with the SD.

Hope this helps a bit,

Rob Allison

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Hello DigDeep,

Looking forward to doing business with you in the near future.

On another note, I'm sure you know there are ways to increase performance on the SD's. One of the first things would be a regulated battery system and then maybe a signal enhancers to pick up the audio a bit. However, even with these additions to any SD, the GPX series is still light years ahead in my opinion.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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