View all the Moore Creek, Alaska Pictures Here

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Hello All,

Here are all the Moore Creek, Alaska pictures I promised. I uploaded them all to the Photobucket website so I didn't have to use all the forum space to host them. You should be able to scan through all 62 of them or even use the slideshow feature. Click here to view the 2008 Moore Creek pictures -

Moore Creek, Alaska 2008 Group


For more information on the pay-to-mine Moore Creek operation, please visit their official website at -

I believe they still have a few opening for the last week, but I wouldn't wait long!

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hello Gaine,

The old Miner's Cabin was actually off the road heading up to the Broken Shovel Prospect, or where Full Metal was doing their drilling. We were just driving quads around for awhile taking pictures and we seen it. There was a lot of old relics and Beaver Traps there.

The really crystalline nugget was .75 or 3/4's of an ounce. It was found by Steve F. from Southern California. The nugget was found on one of the Black Tailing Piles up around Six Pup or Nevada Gulch. Steve mentioned it was just a faint whisper and the area had previous fresh digs around it. One beautiful gold nuggets for sure! Congrats to Steve. :P

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hey Guys,

ARKANSAS BRYAN - Looking forward to seeing your finds. :)

Doc - The bugs were very minimal at least the first part of the week. There were a few times when it got buggy, but not too bad. I pretty much kept the bug shirt off the entire time I was up there, just used some Deet.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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Hello Guys,

MedicDan - Thanks! Have you been out nugget hunting lately? Haven't heard much from you.

Henry - If Moore Creek continues to run next year, you should really consider it. The place is breath-taking. Yep, there are a lot of big gold nuggets and specimens at Moore Creek. With the use of the dozer, I'm sure another Monster will be found sometime soon.

Hammer - Some good gold was found this year. Wish we had the dozer, but unfortunately it broke down the day we arrived. I'm sure if the dozer was running most of the time, most of the guys would have doubled their finds. I seen a lot of Bear Poop, but didn't actually see one Bear this year. A couple of years ago at Moore Creek I practically walked right into one! :girl:

Flak - I know what you mean about taking pictures. The first couple of days I hunted hard and took very little pictures. I kept telling myself I need to take more pictures so everyone can see them. I might head out this weekend for a 3-day hunt and hope to have more pictures and some short videos for all everyone to watch.

Talk with you all later,

Rob Allison

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