To Enhance or not? GPX-4500....

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Does the new enhance timing feature on the 4500 degrade from its "punching power"? Should I run it in Normal mode if the ground allows it?

Also I noticed when I ran it in Normal on some really hot ground (bright red dirt) it would sometimes not ground balance, or take a really long time to do so. In these conditions I would switch it into Enhanced and it would balance almost immediately. Anyone else notice this?


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Hello DigDeep,

From my findings the "Normal" timing is best for deeper nuggets if you can keep the unit running stable and balanced. If not, the new "Enhance" timing is the new ticket. Enhance is a newer, revised timing somewhat like Sensitive/Smooth, but you don't loose all the depth.

I will post more, have to run .... :wacko:

Rob Allison

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Does the new enhance timing feature on the 4500 degrade from its "punching power"? Should I run it in Normal mode if the ground allows it?

Also I noticed when I ran it in Normal on some really hot ground (bright red dirt) it would sometimes not ground balance, or take a really long time to do so. In these conditions I would switch it into Enhanced and it would balance almost immediately. Anyone else notice this?


If you can run a mono coil without too much feedback then the ground is suited to normal timings. If you are having trouble with a DD coil then switch to a mono coil and try the Enhanced timings, or Smooth timings.

Depth is relevant to the ground type you are trying to detect, so Enhance timings will "lose" depth if being used where normal timings are possible, but also will "gain" depth in difficult ground. By that I mean that in difficult ground, Enhance timings can detect targets that Normal timings will miss, or conversely will detect targets at a greater depth than Normal timings will allow. This is because the feedback in Normal timings masks the responses from some targets and they remain undetectable, where Enhance timings eliminates the ground signal and allows the target signals to be heard.

The thing to remember with Enhance timings is that the target responses are reasonably fainter than most people expect. If the ground signal is completely gone, then dig on any threshold disturbance no matter how faint, as the target is most likely to be metallic. There are some responses from ground/rocks that still break through the Enhanced timings and experience will tell you what for each area. Smooth mode is also an option if the ground is too hot for Enhance. A large mono coil is best as the losses appear to be smaller. I run a 16"round or the 20"round depending on the obstacles, but also find the 14"X 9" coils excellent.

The spot we have been detecting has areas that allow normal timings, but also down the lower end of the run Enhance is a handful and Smooth timings are noisy as well. The only way I've found to detect this lower spot is to use Smooth and ground balance the detector to a hot spot to allow it to run satisfactorily. Cheers and happy experimenting.

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