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Hi Chuck!

Things are going very good! We have had electricty since Tuesday. I was using my generator while power was out. More and more gas stations are online and the waits are much shorter for gas. I won't get back into the class room until Wednesday! There is a lot of problems with traffic lights being out all over the city and out in the county. Makes it tough to pick up kids on the bus and get them to school on time. We will have missed 9 days of school before we go back on Wednesday. I don't know yet if we have to make it up, or when or if the state will just say don't worry about it. A lot will depend of if the state will still pay the districts for those days missed if we don't have to make them up. I am on contract to teach for 186 days at a set amount. If we have to make it up, it will have to come from holidays and extend into summer. I am planning on head out west over the Christmas break and then agian in the summer for an extended stay. Hopefully I will still get to do that

About a million people in the Houston-Galveston area are still without power. Galveston is a wreck with no working infrastructure.

It will be a long while before things return to some semblance of normal.

IT could have been a lot worse. If the eye of Ike had passed 50 miles to the west of downtown Houston, Houston would have had a lot more structural damage. There are power crews from as far away as Arizona, Virgina, North and South Carolina and from up in the mid-west. They are working 12- 16 hour days. The big easy stuff has pretty much been addressed, now they are attacking the soft underbelly.......instead of whole subdivisions it is the small cluster of homes and business. That will take longer to trace and to fix!

I am glad that we are into fall now. The temps are under 90 and the humidity isn't too bad.

My wife's office doesn't have power yet, and it is unclear if her boss is going to pay his staff for the time missed! He is not a sympathetic person when it comes to work missed regardless of the reasons.

During the storm it was sort of fun to watch the blue flashes of light as the transformers blew up! I'd see a blue flash and then a couple of seconds later I'd hear this double grunt. I thought it was lightening at first, but the thunder was all wrong!

FEMA was a bit off center, but things have straightened out. They brought in supplies and didn't tell the local officials that it was their responsibility to distribute the MRE, water and ice. So that was a log jamb for a bit.

About every 22-25 years Houston gets hit by a hurricane the size of Ike. So I suppose that when I'm 80 another one will blow into town. Hopefully by that time I'll be out in the southwest and not have to worry about it.

Take care Chuck and have a great weekend!



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