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Hi Rob and all, just wanted to touch base and say Hi. I've been watching the forums almost daily, just not in the mood to post. I had been caring for my Dad until his death from lung cancer in July. Since then I've been busy with his estate.

I also wanted to toot my own horn a little. In the midst of my personal low, this year, cam a personal high as well. Just in time for my Dad to see it, I was published in the ICMJ. I posted it here along with a few extra pictures for those of you who don't get the magazine.

It's freebie AOL POS page so be patient. Scroll down to the green link "Family Prospecting adventures: Pure Gold"

I'm hoping to start getting out again soon, this weather is teasing me. See you all out there. Later...Jim P.

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Sorry Jim,

Losing ones father is very tough. My dad passed away in 1990, I think about him every day. He was just a wonderful man and everything a father should be.

I would like to say that you will get over your feeling of loss. But you won't. As time passes, the pain becomes a little less sharp and the memories become even more precious.

God Bless you and your family. I know your dad is looking down on you and smiling.


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Thanks guys, for your comments. I also wanted to thank Dawnie (of Rob and Dawn) publicly for her help and advice when I needed help taking care of my Dad. She is quite an advocate for the patient and gave me direction when I didn't know where to turn. Thanks Dawny! Later...Jim P.

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  • Admin

Hey Jim,

I know you have been away from the forums for a bit, but just wanted to let you know most of us here haven't forgotten you by any means.

Speaking of that, I can still remember the first time you showed up at my Parents house and we went out metal detecting. I can remember the whole time driving we were talking about Geology and other stuff related to finding gold.

Hope to see you and your Sons out on the 24K Gold Hunters claims this weekend.

Take care Champ, ;)

Rob Allison

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Hi Jim,

I had not even seen this post. I am so sorry I missed it. My sincere condolences to you and your family.

I would like to say it is "my job", but I love what I do and I was more than happy to help in any way I could. I wish I could have done more.

Thank you so much for the comments. I am here anytime you need anything!


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