The Secret Keys...Found

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Yo All...I had the strangest experience today...Beeping on a secluded high desert bowl of land that I've only found a twisted mule shoe and 4 nice nuggets on...Today I was side hilling it and got a huge signal...Dug it and it was very interesting...Another 6 feet laterally and another huge signal...Then another 6 feet and the same thing...Anyhow, I think I found the keys to Love, Health & Wealth....Here they are:

Cheers, Yer Unc in the Dubyah

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Dang Cuz,

You find all the good stuff!

Like Jim P. says, it would be pretty cool if those keys could

tell their story about where they came from

and how they came to be where you found them...

Thanks for sharing!

Cuz Gary

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Nice find there Ron...the keys could be a marker of sorts of something close by and obviously old. Just to be sure you got everything did you detect at the base and around that Saguaro where the keys were? If not if you can find that same cactus do so. I would start hitting that place HARD! Someone buried something. Sound like you found it all, hoping for the best for you. Three keys three targets!...Go get them!! Guido

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  • Admin

Hey Uncle Ron,

Great finds. I've found a few keys like that over the years, but never more than one at a shot. Puzzling to know where they came from. Probably a big iron box out there somewhere filled with gold! :blink:

Thanks for sharing.

P.S. Kept an eye out for you and Dodie this weekend, but Dawn and I didn't see you.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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