Anyone Hear How Flak is doing?

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Just jumping in briefly to ask if anyone knows how Flak is managing,

with all the fires going on in the S. Cal. area.

Things look real bad on the news, and I hope he, his family, and others in the area

are safe.

We had some terrible wind driven fires here this summer in Idaho, and many

people lost their homes, one person did become trapped in her home,

as the fires fury spread much faster than anyone could have imagined.

Until you have been close to a big wildfire, you can't really appreciate

the power and destructive winds that can be created.

Thanks for any info you can provide!


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I live in Pasadena and I just tried to make it out of town for the weekend. Unfortunately I couldn't go because pretty much all the major freeways are shut down. In the 30 minutes I spent on the Freeways I saw three major forest fires! For the most part they're up in the mountains above LA well away from homes and neighborhoods. However there are people who live in these areas and unfortunately sometimes the fires get their homes.


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Hi Largo,

Thank you for the concern.

We are totally fine.

It is very smoky and for that, rather uncomfortable for the wife and kids,

but the fire is upwind and some miles away - not a threat.

The humidity level is 8 - it's hot - and the wind,

well, I am sure you've been hearing about the wind.

I am keeping Dennis Miller (Denny), in mind as he is at far more risk right now

up in Santa Barbara...He has stayed with his house even though

his neighborhood has been evacuated. I last spoke with him this morning

and he was doing ok.

There are hundreds and hundreds of homes being lost all over So.,

it is quite shocking even to those of us living with a constant fire danger.

The firefighters seem to be quite overwhelmed...and it's not their fault,

it is an impossible situation right now.


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Hi Flak,

Good to hear that you are doing all right now.

Would that be Dennis Miller , comedian? If so

just a couple of days ago, he was on air and

discussing the news that he had just heard that

the fire had broken out, and just over the hill

from his location.

Thanks for updating us, and we all hope that

there will be a break in the weather, in order

that the firefighters can get a handle on the



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Hi Largo,

That would be Dennis Miller who is called Denny on most of the forums

and who is a great person to hunt with.

It is smokey here tonight and we're miles from the fires.

A very weird experience to smell smoke inside your house

and to not be able to filter it out.

My heart goes out to all those who have suffered in these fires,

it is one hell of a way to have to lose everything.

If there is not a very special place in Heaven

filled with fresh sweet air for all the firemen who have given

so much to so many of us, I will be disappointed.

But I know there is.


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I live in Yorba Linda, Ca , and about 6PM we be came very concerned that winds might change direction to a south westerly track which would have put us directly in its path, fortunately it stayed about mile north of my house. This fire was very unpredictable. The Fire started along the Riverside Freeway in Corona then moved through Santa Ana Canyon to sweep southwest into Anaheim Hill and Northwest into Yorba Linda and with the winds fanning the flames and sending flying embers into the sky and creating fires all over the place. My house was not damage and we and other neighbors were able to assist with garden hose to help save some properties..The fire companies really had their hads full and we won't know the real damage until Sunday..One house I'am particularly concerned with is a friend who took his wife on a well deserved vacation (for free) to Hawaii and left house, dog and cat in the hands of a friend who I do not trust.; They did not return calls I left for them and the friend did not answer the home phone. I attempted to drive over to his house but the Police had the area sealed under a mandantory evacuation order and would not let me in. Just hope his friend for one time stayed home and watched football rather than get hung up in some bar and not get home soon enough to rescue the animals. (maybe the house is still standing--sure hope so--find out tomorrow..

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Hi all,

When I lived in the San Diego area back in the mid 50's, I lived on 60th street, not far from

the San Diego State College campus.

Just a couple blocks away there was a large brush infested canyon, in which I and my little

beagle loved to visit, to chase rabbits, and dodge rattlesnakes.

I'm sure that canyon had every opportunity to burn, with all the activity therein, but it never happened.

Same thing when I and my family moved to north San Diego county, where there were lots of

canyons there as well, but again no really big fires occured there either. There were plenty

of weekend keggers in those remote areas, complete with generators, slow women :girl: , fast cars,

and a live (sorta)band... :blush:

I think where the problem lies, is with the influx of inbred idiots, who never had anything, and

whose only approach to science, is to play with matches or lighter on a windy day, and see what

happens, with no consideration or regard to the misery and tremendous loss of a life time of

work that can occur in the space of a few minutes time.

I do believe that there is a special place in hell, where these folks may enjoy their pastime, and

such are just desserts for them.

I am sure there are other as fitting remedies for these knuckle draggers unconcious malaise...

Thanks for hearing from you all!

Keep in touch!


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I am sure there are other as fitting remedies for these knuckle draggers unconcious malaise...

Thanks for hearing from you all!

Keep in touch!

Gary, you fogot to make note of one very important thing in your 'post', ....."overgrowth is Now an Accepted Practice" within the current System of Envriomental Policies to include.....frogs, bugs, downed timber and pine needles, etc. The list goes on.....oh, I forgot to mention dust!

IMHO, the Boneheads have been runnning the show for far to long , yet our effots to make a differance are a mute point in real fact!


PS, I didn't mean to "highjack" the thread Flak, glad to hear 'all is Ok'! I'm not far from the area in So CA myself. I guess my gripe goes to the agencies that allow this activity under the Scope of "Protecting the Envrionment". Nuff said for tonight.

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I can only imagine what the winds were like in the hills and canyons. I spent last week in the mohave desert of southern Ca. and at times it seemed like all the sand in the desert was airborne. I walked up onto a ridge and the wind was at least 75 mph. It was the worst situation possible for firefighters with the wind coming from the northeast creating the feared Santa Anna winds. Lets hope Southern California gets some rain soon. Their wet season is due to begin soon and I hope it's a good one.----Bob

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"Us fools" out here would love controlled burns in area's that it would be

feasible in.

But in a populated area where, to have a controlled burn you also must have

some sort of favorable wind.

Here, any sort of wind in these foothills produces extremely erratic conditions.

We have had instances of even small back fires going horribly wrong.

But the problem goes far beyond that;

Until very recently, builders have been allowed to construct hundreds of housing tracts

on the slopes of these foothills without firebreaks.

We are essentially in desert country and for the last few years we have been in a drought condition.

The humidity has been under ten for a number of days.

The winds here are well known to everyone but the reality is that they are far worse

than most verbal descriptions. They are hell-on-earth for a firefighter

or a homeowner in the path of a fire.


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Well most of the fire in north Orange county is under control now..must say the Fireman and the Police did a great job.

the old complaint about where are Cops when you need went down the drain, they were Johnny on the spot and did an

absolutely great job in assisting the firemen and public during this terrible fire. my hat is off to them !!! :)

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