Rainy Day Detecting

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Hello Everyone,

I was wondering, does anyone know any good techniques to waterproof a Minelab 3500? I had it out last weekend and the weather was beautiful. We had a light mist all morning with just a little drizzle, and eventually lots of sunshine. Since then, the weather in Southern California has been wet. I'd like to be able to operate, rain or shine.

How much rain and dampness can an unprotected 3500 take? Short of actually using a waterproof coil, how can I weatherproof my Minelab? What techniques work for the control box? Any ideas? Thanks everyone.

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Ethan M.,

Every time my wife and I stay at a hotel/motel I take the shower caps that come in the little boxes and keep them in my glove box of my truck. I will detect in a light mist/rain, but usually won't stay out in anything more than that. Generally, I just use the shower cap over the back cover of the box to avoid water build up which could potentially filter through to the inside. Since they have elastic built in, they work well. I guess you could also use one on your head also and protect your headphones. Take care.



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I have used my minelab pi's at the beach...but I don't like to because there isn't any way to really make them water/rain proof...some of the coils are...

some of the eastern beach hunters may have a method....

and Rob and crew have used theirs up at Moore Creek....


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