New Forum look

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I sure was hoping ROb wouldn't change the forum over to the new format like Bill and Rod did theres, it take forever to load up and I'm on dial up. I guess I won't be on so much now. Its a bummer for me. And everyone on dial up. So I guess you won't see me on here as much. its really a hassel on dial up. I can smoke a cigarette and drink a cup of coffee it takes soooo! long to get on these new formats. Grubstake

Sometimes progress sucks.

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Grubstake... I had to wait 13 minutes to sign in just now... It was a surprise.

There popped up a message to wait 13 minutes... I waited a while... tried again.

Now I was down to only two more minutes to wait...

So here I be... I hope?... I do not recommend smoking a cigarette... but have a

couple of cups of coffee... Gosh I will never be able to post the story I said I


Gary... Keep the Faith. Likely there may be bugs in the new forum look.

Gary... you may still using a rotary-dial phone... They now make one that all is

needed is to press the buttons (gotcha???)

Hope this goes...

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Rob, PM notification is now hidden . I found it by clicking on the arrow next to my username in the upper right corner, but I liked seeing it as soon as I got on. Will there be a popup if there is a new message? Adding reply seems a lot slower even on high speed . Not bitching but just trying to help.----Bob

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  • Admin

Rob, PM notification is now hidden . I found it by clicking on the arrow next to my username in the upper right corner, but I liked seeing it as soon as I got on. Will there be a popup if there is a new message?----Bob

For some reason I can't seem my test screen? Help.....

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ROB, I hate to say it, but I got a bucnh of Email this morning from other forum members, I think this is bad Very bad, your going to lose a bunch of us with this new format. we liked it the way it was. I don't get on Bills or Rods that offten because of the time it takes to load up on dial up. I won't drop out. But I sure won't be on here as offten. Its just way out of line that it takes so long. I think unless you can afford high speed internet, its bad. Grubstake

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