Grubstakes Eldorado

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Jim Striaght has been trying to get me to write another article, and Montanas also, For those that have never seen one of mine, I have published a few, Heres a link. Well that din't work. Just goole GOLD OF ELDORADO CANYON By Gary Baldridge and you can click on it Grubstake

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I just wish, I still could get on that property, But the owners, are both in nursing homes, due to strokes, it cost $16,000.00 a month to keep them there, and part of the land has been sold, the rest of the 180 acs. has been devided up between children and grandkids, I was called into a family meeting and told that due to lack of liabilaty insurance, I could no long hunt the property. and that it was devided between 6 different people. So I can't get everyone on the same page, so I can still hunt it. But it was a good run, with the gold betwen three of us totaling over 3 pounds, and that not counting what Shep, Pondmn and a few others including Reno Chris found out there. I have other places now, that are as good, but not with as much cyristaline gold as that place had and still has. Grubstake

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  • Admin

Hello Gary,

That looks like the place we first went when Dennis and I came up a couple of years ago. If it's the same place, that was some of the hottest ground I've ever hunted. A lot of small digs and a lot of ground to check out.

Some good times for sure!

Rob Allison

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Yup, ROB, thats the place, remember, I told you Mono coils won't work there, you and dennis just broght mono's and after about 15 minutes detecting, you came over and asked me if I had a DD coil you could use. Same place. That was the day Shep found the big nugget under the Mansinita bush. Heres a picture of his nugget. Grubstake

I had a great time with you guys, I took you to three place's You and Dennis and you got gold at ever place. I think you guys had way over an oz each when you left. You need to come back out, this spring.

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