newbee needs help

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Hi yall! I rarely visit forums but I have a friend who's moving from Florida to CA and is in prescott az now wanting to know where to look for gold. He has detectors and since N CA is covered w snow now I told him to check around there first. I sent him to this website cause I know you guys are good at helping newbees get started. Watch for a newbee named Doug or send me a shout to get his cell # and text him. Thanks guys!

frustrated hunter! (hard to find gold in snow):(

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Hey Beeper

Your friend could go to Congress Az. and go to Weaver Mining Company and join his club for $25.He is just before you get to the road that turns off to Stanton on the right hand side at the top of the hill.Some of the claims are around Rich Hill and that is about as cheap you can get into any club.

Email me his cell and I'll be glad to call him.

Chuck Anders

PS Where he is now he could call Chris at AZoutback at918-256-7316 I'm sure he could help him out.

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