I love when that happens!

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I love it when you dig a HUGE signal and it turns into a 79 ounce nugget then when you check the hole there is another screaming signal still in there which turns into a 54 ounce nugget, but to add icing to the cake the very next nugget 2 feet away is a 3 grammer just to keep me grounded, but I still got a kick out of it!! :blush:

Has only ever happened to me once but I am pretty keen to see it happen again!! :wub:


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I love it when the target is in the first scoop! And, even more when it is gold.

I love it when I call the target and I right. And even more when its gold.

I guess I just love GOLD!

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I love it when you dig a HUGE signal and it turns into a 79 ounce nugget then when you check the hole there is another screaming signal still in there which turns into a 54 ounce nugget

WOW - that's a new HOUSE! :D

I have a 4500 coming from Rob any day now (ants in my pants, the anticipation is killing me LOL) ... can't wait to experience some of these "I love it when X happens" statements for the first time.

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