I love when that happens!

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Often times when I am out detecting, I think to myself, damn, I love when that happens.

I love when that happens!

What I love about prospecting for gold with a metal detector:

I love when I dig to the bedrock and the target is still there.

I love when I kick a quartz rock out of the way and the target moves.

I love when I get a screamer and look down to see a sunbaker.

I love when I see the glimmer of gold when I break up a clod of dirt in my hands.

I love when the next bullet turns out to be a gold nugget.

I love this hobby, metal detecting for GOLD!

Please add to the list. I am probably forgetting some things.



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  • Admin

Hey Matt,

Some very great "I love" comments about finding gold nuggets. I've done all the ones you posted and it's exciting. Damn, you covered about all of them ....

I love when you dig down into a crevice several inches and it has hardpacked clay. You almost always know it's gold!

I love when you say to yourself, "Damn this looks like a good nugget trapping location," and right at the moment you get a nice, smooth sounding target (which is normally a gold nugget).

Hopefully some others will have some good ones.

What a great post.

Rob Allison

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I love it when I can just go nugget hunting, and easter weekend is it, I'll be in the Mojave with Sandtrap and my uncle and Maybe olo. Tailgate. Just maybe. Grubstake

Care to be a little more specific in a General sort of way ? Mojave is several hundred sq miles,,, I miss da desert...

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Matt you you brought up a lot of the reasons I still hunt. I've worked on a lot of large commercial operations and cranked out pounds of nuggets with dozers and trommels but its just not as much fun as hunting them, period. I guess you could say its just the thrill of the hunt not to mention just having some fun with friends whether you find anything or not. btw great looking avatar nugget. It is addicting, but I've never found another hobby that I had so much fun and made money at it too. AzNuggetBob

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Ok here is a good one for me, your digging down, the target is sounding smoother and solid the deeper you dig, your down a foot or more and the next thing you know its finally out of the hole, in your pile, you grab a hand full of dirt and wave it over your coil and wham its in your hand. you turn your hand up and shake it a bit (hand pan) and you feel it settle down in the palm of your hand. at that point Im thinking mini ball or gold. you take your thumb and wipe away the loose dirt, you rub rub that heavy object in the palm of your hand and? bonanza the glint of gold. AznuggetBob

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I love it when the nugget is so large that I have to switch to cancel mode to pinpoint it. I love it when there are so many nuggets laying on the exposed bedrock in a wash that I can just put the detector down and pick up the nuggets I can see (only happened once).---Bob

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I love it when you are in a virgin area, not a speck of trash, you are twenty feet away from your truck and on about the 15th swing you get a THREE BANGER. Three targets in one sweep and every one of them is a nugget.

I got 17 nuggets for about 3/4ths of an ounce out of an area about 20 feet by 20 feet.


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After a few years of doin this my favorite " I LOVE IT " is when I bend down flatten out my coil and stick it in and around inside a big bush by the roots and WHAM I get a signal, found my best specimin piece like that with quartz etc. still attached to it.

THEN the fight is on when its a big ol CATCLAW BUSH.

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I love it when the target you are digging is so deep and in the redclay/cobble hardpack that you go to the truck and get your rockbar so you can take the sides of the hole deeper without tamping and damaging the potential nugget. As you reach as far in the hole while laying on your belly as possible you reach and scrape a couple of handfuls of cobbles and dirt out of the 2 foot+ deep whole. You then check the hole with your detector and notice that the signal is gone. You then look over at your throw outs and notice that one of the redclay stained cobbles has some gold showing. Your heart races as you pick up the cobble of gold and feel the 2.2 ounces of weight that your new found friend has. I will never forget.

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