Petition to stop another California Desert Protection Act

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Hi All, I tend to stay out of the politics on the forums, but I just couldn't pass this one up and wanted to get the word out. Came across this on one of the 4WD forums I occasionally lurk on and I just wanted to pass it along and try to get more signatures for the petition-

Opposition to 2010 Desert Potection Act

If you don't want to read all the information and just sign the petition go here-

Sign the Petition

For your affiliation... just say your with the Sierra Club! :lol:

Sheesh man... will this crap EVER stop?!


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Hi All, I tend to stay out of the politics on the forums, but I just couldn't pass this one up and wanted to get the word out. Came across this on one of the 4WD forums I occasionally lurk on and I just wanted to pass it along and try to get more signatures for the petition-

Opposition to 2010 Desert Potection Act

If you don't want to read all the information and just sign the petition go here-

Sign the Petition

For your affiliation... just say your with the Sierra Club!  :lol:

Sheesh man... will this crap EVER stop?!


WTG Del! I am doing it right now.


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"We will build a civilian police force that is just as big, or larger than our military itself". Sound familiar? “We also will not let any one crises go without capitalizing from it”. Well, who are we policing? It must be Ourselves. I Believe this is really what this is all about here anyway. By taking part of more land grabbing agendas, and putting in place, more government jobs to police, and control the land, and claim new job creations at the same time, while helping out a bankrupt state such as California. Makes all the more since than anything else. Our country will one day soon, turn itself into one big surveillance pot for the purpose of monitoring, and controlling of its own citizens. I know where you can get a job working as an IRS agent to help out our new health care monitoring program. An accurate observation of just many more to come. It doesn’t take the IQ of a fresh water trout to see the truth of what is happening here

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well I will try to stay on topic here , but I do think it may not be the best idea to discuss politics on this forum for there are lots of opinions out there. After this I will read more about this act, It is new to me. I firmly believe that all public lands should remain accessible for every generation to come. However some enviroments such as deserts are very sensetive to human impact, climate and grazing. Our deserts hold many natural wonders,some still undiscovered. So it is increasingly important that we identify, recognize and protect these areas. As for Boeing up there you could mabe move south to a country I won't mention where the goverment is a bit more laid back about the security of their citizens, polititions and public servants. But I'm sure you won't.


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I heard about 2 politician kayakers out on the lake one day talking about the need to protect the water and the fish, birds, gators and all like that. It's the lake that's between Barstow Ca and the upper end of Nv 10's of thosands of sq miles, I'm sure you know the one i mean. There are some of the best examples of shallow lake/inland sea ecosystems found anywhere in the Pre Cambrian world. Well the fellows tried and got other Eco- sensitive folks together to protect the environment then one day when out on the lake enjoying all the beauty and eco diversity of the lake, all of a sudden a whoppen ass bird swooped down and eat them for lunch, that was awhile back.

Not too long ago their bones were found with a stone tablet clutched in there hands that they were working on, it had the title Pre Cambrian lake Protection act and the outline for this very worthwhile piece of legislation carved in stone. Well a very well meaning politician came upon this stone tablet and changed the title and a few other words and it is now the Calif Desert Protection Act.

The earth changes all the time. Seas come and go. Deserts change and reappear. We do not control this earth but politicians, like reptiles, remain the same forever.

It's just a story, I'm just telling you what I heard, no truth in it at all, or.. .Just watch out or some whoppen ass bird might come back and get hungry.


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Well, I hate to see politics also incorporated into a forum, but there seems to be an over abundance lately of existing content that would suggest future concerns forming from out of this, and other forum threads, and with increasing frequency to. Patch hunting days may just become more, and more narrower over time. This could very well be a one day topic expressed on this forum, as the golden years looked back upon of what we once could do, which leaves the younger generation the inability to experience a big portion of success that we could do, or have experienced. For them, that would equate to the enjoyment of fishing in a dried up creek with a few minnows floating around. The accessibility will be for the younger generation to come alright, but only through a Red Rock pass, or a future paying toll booth. Or we can come up with a new Aqua Fria Monument that gold miners once could prospect on 12 years ago, and further digress the younger generations abilities to enjoy the exploring of ways to find gold patch areas like the ones before us could, and we also at one time did. That will be the final result. In order to determine, and predict future digression of freedoms, you sum up the past freedom points you had in the past over time, then observe the points of where your at now, you can now extrapolate from that information to receive your future freedom outlook. This is where a trout can see the hook.

I do believe in a rule of law, and preserving lots of areas of beauty, but its more about mismanaged money, and the younger generation of families may not be able to see, or afford seeing the many sights we could on vacation growing up, without worrying about the money to get back home on also.

FYI- I do live in the lone star state of Texas where most are laid back, and it’s a wonderful country to.


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Dear Mr. boeing ?,

I'm deeply sorry for trying to enlighten you on the desert protection act you have wandered completely off of the topic. I have however read more into this act and found it includes thousands of acres to be designated to wilderness areas national and state parks. Allowing these areas to be enjoyed by all for many generations to come. further more I do not believe that the NRA and Fox are reliable news sources.

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Dear Mr. boeing ?,

I'm deeply sorry for trying to enlighten you on the desert protection act you have wandered completely off of the topic. I have however read more into this act and found it includes thousands of acres to be designated to wilderness areas national and state parks. Allowing these areas to be enjoyed by all for many generations to come. further more I do not believe that the NRA and Fox are reliable news sources.


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Dear Mr. boeing ?,

I'm deeply sorry for trying to enlighten you on the desert protection act you have wandered completely off of the topic. I have however read more into this act and found it includes thousands of acres to be designated to wilderness areas national and state parks. Allowing these areas to be enjoyed by all for many generations to come. further more I do not believe that the NRA and Fox are reliable news sources.

I have quoted and made bold the main differences between us.

I lived in the south during one of the most cruel times for blacks in this country. As a white young man in that culture I soon learned the code words for controlling the black population for the economic benefit of some white "Good ole boys" to the detriment of the poor both white and black.

You may well believe what you are saying is valid, many in the south believed that the poor and the blacks have to be kept "In there Place". Today that thinking has transcended color and economic boundaries to establish an elite group that wants to protect the environment against the unwashed masses that are not capable of respecting the "pure" federal lands that this group of self designating enlightened protectors are. These has become the "Good ole Boys" of today and taking cues from the past.

One can not enjoy that which is fenced off by laws meant to divide the people from there consitiutional declared use of our lands. These are not federal lands but the peoples lands that are to be fairly administrated by a fair and benign government. Look at the Bureau for Indian Affairs as an on going example of political corruption from it inception

You most likely don't see this threat, just from the comments you have posted. You may also think that those of us that support the free unencumbered, RESPONSIBLE us of OUR lands want to rape and pillage because we can't SEE your POV.

We, as a nation, have allowed a political group to be the high priest of ethics and use of our lands, though the name of science.

Now before you think that I'm not aware of the benefits of science, I am but there are people that will pervert anything for their own personal benefit, as stated above.

Please respect that we, who differ so much from the land grab politics are as concerned for the welfare of our country and lands as you. Because it is desert today and as beautiful as it is does not mean that it can not be properly used. But even at the worst, if all hell breaks loose and most of mankind die from its own hands or by a meteor, the earth will survive. If it doesn't, that's ok as well because we did not make this world and at best, we are just brief sojourners here. Let those that want to enjoy it do so, but not at the bequest of the secular priest of the EPA or other federal agency that wishes power and money from us, which when you boil it all down, it's always about the money and power.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi all, thanks to all who signed! When I signed it I was #2068 and now it's up over 2,600 signatures. Hopefully this will help put a stop to this nonsense!


because of the oc49er i took a lot of pic. of turtles and gps data & sent them to the right places. your loss you should have stood up. coward you ran and hid so i handle it my self. and until get justice i will keep taking pic. and data and sending it in. have fun

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because of the oc49er i took a lot of pic. of turtles and gps data & sent them to the right places. your loss you should have stood up. coward you ran and hid so i handle it my self. and until get justice i will keep taking pic. and data and sending it in. have fun

???? can you interpet to make sense for those reading this ?

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???? can you interpet to make sense for those reading this ?

i want justice. oc49er are gun pulling claim jumpers & liars. until i get justice shut down all oc49er gold mining hobby is my goal. the oc49ers are telling people that they can look for gold on peoples privet claims. and i have to tell them they were lied to by the oc49ers. ebonbetta are your friends the thieving tweekers that stole my motorcycle?

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i want justice. oc49er are gun pulling claim jumpers & liars. until i get justice shut down all oc49er gold mining hobby is my goal. the oc49ers are telling people that they can look for gold on peoples privet claims. and i have to tell them they were lied to by the oc49ers. ebonbetta are your friends the thieving tweekers that stole my motorcycle?

I have no friends that have stole anything. You have yet to identify if your todd or not Ispoke to tood a fewtimes. I also spoke to 3 guys working a claim just north of the road that has a little fence around it. fence is like 12" high. Probally not able to keep much out besides a turtle. Nor are any of my friends tweakers.

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I have no friends that have stole anything. You have yet to identify if your todd or not Ispoke to tood a fewtimes. I also spoke to 3 guys working a claim just north of the road that has a little fence around it. fence is like 12" high. Probally not able to keep much out besides a turtle. Nor are any of my friends tweakers.

Also realize I had to come to NYC to take care of my mom in the end of july last year. so I've been here in NYC.

Where did I say that you drank ? Just asking about something you said in personal message ?

as I said in personel message maybe what you were saying got mis-interpeted by me but I thought you were saying that you had watched JS detect at night up on the hill. But maybe I misunderstood you somehow. I know what I thought you had said and did not make this up. You were also the person that told me 49ers had a gun. But neither bothers me because they are up on the hill on the north side of the road. Only time I went there was searching for bottles and cans. When was your bike stolen ?

At the very least we can agree to disagree.

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Also realize I had to come to NYC to take care of my mom in the end of july last year. so I've been here in NYC.

Where did I say that you drank ? Just asking about something you said in personal message ?

as I said in personel message maybe what you were saying got mis-interpeted by me but I thought you were saying that you had watched JS detect at night up on the hill. But maybe I misunderstood you somehow. I know what I thought you had said and did not make this up. You were also the person that told me 49ers had a gun. But neither bothers me because they are up on the hill on the north side of the road. Only time I went there was searching for bottles and cans. When was your bike stolen ?

At the very least we can agree to disagree.

the post "weapons and prospecting" by skipper of the oc49er they were talking about me this started around 3 to 4 years ago. just got on line and found out about all the talk about me. they have deleted the post since i have read it next time i need to copy every thing so i can repost it. "I WANT A FED. INVESTIGATION" he was there at daytime and i gave him a jump start. i watched him walk from his truck all the way down to the road and back to his truck looking for help. so i drove down and helped. "want to get a hold of Jim S."

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???? can you interpet to make sense for those reading this ?

oc49ers claims in randsburg,ca area lots of turtles and they lied about me and cause a lot of problems and i want justice "i want a fed. investigation" there are dirty cops. the only to fight them is to go higher take picture of the turtles dens and gps data and send it to the right people to shut down the area. and until i get justice i will keep taking picture of thing to shutdown the claims. public blm lands should be for every one. I took a stingy person out at night to teach him about black lighting on a blm mining claim. owned by the Flyspec mining co. randsburg,ca. 2 oc49er in a red jeep came up to us with guns in hand and asked what we were doing then told us to leave that it was there claim. a few bad apples will mess it up for the rest of you!

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oc49ers claims in randsburg,ca area lots of turtles and they lied about me and cause a lot of problems and i want justice "i want a fed. investigation" there are dirty cops. the only to fight them is to go higher take picture of the turtles dens and gps data and send it to the right people to shut down the area. and until i get justice i will keep taking picture of thing to shutdown the claims. public blm lands should be for every one. I took a stingy person out at night to teach him about black lighting on a blm mining claim. owned by the Flyspec mining co. randsburg,ca. 2 oc49er in a red jeep came up to us with guns in hand and asked what we were doing then told us to leave that it was there claim. a few bad apples will mess it up for the rest of you!

ok, it sounded like you were blaming me and I only got the info I said from you as I remember it... so If I remembered anything wrong I'm sorry. but as I said I stay on the south side below the road.... The other post shows my rv which you migh remember from last year when we spoke.

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oc49ers claims in randsburg,ca area lots of turtles and they lied about me and cause a lot of problems and i want justice "i want a fed. investigation"

There are only two tortoises in that area. We named them henry & ethle, and all you have done is taken dozens of pictures of the same tortoises. I want a Fed investigation as to how long you have lived at that spot on the hill, and if you have exceeded your stay limits. I`m the guy who detects around that one gold mine... you know, the one with the Keep Out sign on it. There is a picture of it in my avatar.

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There are only two tortoises in that area. We named them henry & ethle, and all you have done is taken dozens of pictures of the same tortoises. I want a Fed investigation as to how long you have lived at that spot on the hill, and if you have exceeded your stay limits. I`m the guy who detects around that one gold mine... you know, the one with the Keep Out sign on it. There is a picture of it in my avatar.

there was a over a dozen tortoises out there what you do kill them off?

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