VLF vs. PI Debate Surfaces again

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Hello All,

I had a customer call last night and said he was going to purchase a PI (didn't say brand), but was convinced by another dealer that didn't sell PI's that a VLF is much better. My first questions is, did the dealer ask any questions to see what this customer was looking for, types of hunting, areas being hunted and such ...?

I find it hard for any dealer (myself included) to say a detector is best for all around conditions. This dealer did say that most of the gold is small, which I do agree with. However, he also told the customer that if you purchased a PI, you wouldn't find any gold under a Gram in size (15+ grains). This is what bothers me ... when a dealer gives misleading information about a detector he dont sell nor even know about.

Personally, I've used just about all the VLF and PI that are out there. I was multi-line dealer way before I sold just Minelab's. I've never mislead a customer on what to purchase and have down sold detectors many times.

The point I'm getting across is dealers need to be asking questions and making sure they are targeting customers with te right detectors.

Do the Right Thing!

Rob Allison

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  • Admin

Hey Bunk and Chris,

I have to agree with you. I've personally found thousands of small nuggets, way under a Dwt in size with the Minelab PI's. It's just a selling tactic that VLF dealers use to their advantage.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hey Rob, I agree with you as far as you went...but, the customer needs to be responsible for their choices. If one goes to a shop that only sells one type or brand of detector and the merchant is adamant that brand x is the "BEST" and only right choice, then you better be careful. At the very least anyone making such claims is extremely biased, at worst they only care about the sale. A responsible dealer will provide the customer with a range of choices and the information to help make the best choice for the intended targets and available purchasing power. From personal experience, and what I have seen and heard from others, you and Doc are in the Responsible Dealer catagory.


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