lost quick track button

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You can do what I did, when mine came off, got to Radio shack, look through the switches they have, they have some cheap push button switches, I think around $3.00 or $4.00, you have two ways to go, you can just pop off the button on it and super glue it on the existing swutch, or take the handle off and take it apart and cut the wires up by the old switch, and put the new switch in. I just put the button on mine with super glue, They are red or black, but who cares what the color is as long as it works. Grubstake

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  • Admin

Hey Aaron,

You might want to take Grubstake's advice for the time being. The stock ground balancing handles are $60.00 from Minelab and currently on backorder.

For the time being, if you lost the button and spring, you can just use the toggle switch (tracking/fixed) to manual balance the unit. If you're hunting in fixed, just flip it to tracking, pump up and down and then flip back to fixed. If you're hunting in tracking, just start swining and the unit will balance as you go.

Hope this helps a bit,

Rob Allison

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Hey Aaron,

You might want to take Grubstake's advice for the time being. The stock ground balancing handles are $60.00 from Minelab and currently on backorder.

For the time being, if you lost the button and spring, you can just use the toggle switch (tracking/fixed) to manual balance the unit. If you're hunting in fixed, just flip it to tracking, pump up and down and then flip back to fixed. If you're hunting in tracking, just start swining and the unit will balance as you go.

Hope this helps a bit,

Rob Allison

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