Where the hell is Grubstake?

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Hey Grubstake,

I know for a long time we couldn't keep you off the forums from posting, :P but it's seems as if you went quiet. Hope everything is well on your end with your health, family and such.

I know you mentioned you're going to get a GPX5000 soon and hit those old patches. Sure miss those times. Here is a picture of you from our last hunt at the secret patch. :ph34r:


Take care,

Rob Allison

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Well lets see here now, I've been on the forums everyday just about, Just haven't been posting much, too many VA DRS. apointments and Dorthy has been sick, my mother has been sick, Dorthys mother is sick, she just spent 5 days in the hospital, my aunt in turlock is back in the hospital, she had Dubble pnuemonia, they released her, then two days later came down with a Staff infection she got in the hospital. Been so busy, I don't know what to do next. Va stuff still going on. And in my spare time, I take naps. Grubstake

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Rob, I been so bad, I have not been out this year at all. The last time I was detecting was at Sandtraps house, just before Thanks giving or at thanksgiving. been so long I really don't remember. Va has me coming and going. Grubstake

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Hey Grubstake,

Dont let VA's hoops discourage you...the worst thing about VA is the HOOPS..especially for men who have done their part already.....i always worry too many of our broathers and sisters get discouraged with the process and end up missing out on some things (money) that could help them live a higher quality life.....

Oh man,,,,this gets me going,,,,,i dont think any vet should be wanting for anything!!!!!! like Notorious Kelly says...leave no one behind-------especially because of paperwork!

More power to you brother and remember it is in God whom we trust, not VA....

and i am not knocking VA,,,i just hate it because some of our combat vets just cant deal with all the bull.....

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I know, I just got more stuff on my claims, they want more DRS. statements,treatment records, and personal statements. VCAA notice's forms. And they say they are sending me for more C%P exams. which I've already been through once for all I claimed, but they want more. No wonder our GOV. isbroke, they send you to differnt DRS. until they get the results they want. Grubstake

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I hope you have a VSO (Veteran Service Officer like the VFW, DAV, American Legion) whom you have confidence in to help navigate the VA labyrinth.

Websites like hadit.com and vets.yuku.com have a lot of good, free advice on how to proceed.

Hang in there and you WILL win! :)

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