Tower on Weaver mnt.

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Hi All:

Does anyone know what the new tower going in on the south side of weaver mnt is for?

It looks mighty big....

Rob said it was not hooked up yet?

Just wondering if its going to wreak havoc on the PIs?



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Hi All:

Does anyone know what the new tower going in on the south side of weaver mnt is for?

It looks mighty big....

Rob said it was not hooked up yet?

Just wondering if its going to wreak havoc on the PIs?



Don't worry, it's just Rob's new "Tree House."

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  • Admin

Hey Oldie,

I know a couple of guys that hunted that side of the mountain recently and stated they haven't had any problems. I'm not convinced anything is going on yet with the tower. There is a big "light switch" that I can just turn off down the line! :lol:

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Maybe it’s a surveillance tower to monitor all activity in that popular mining area incase our dollar collapses soon, or we default on our national debt crises coming up in fall, and also unless we get our debt ceiling raised for running out of a worthless printed money from the press. They will then decide to reinstate the 1933 gold ownership laws as a result of, and explain the reason for this towers construction.


Or, it could just be another Forest Service tower to monitor fires during the dry seasons. :lol:

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i have my webcam up there and i am watching to see if you are highgrading my on my claims...LOLOL

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i have my webcam up there and i am watching to see if you are highgrading my on my claims...LOLOL

I got to find it before I can highgrade you! :)


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I got to find it before I can highgrade you! :)


you must not be using the greatest software for miners ever developed, im talking about "Footprints DVD's," of course ....

OK, can i get a free hat now Clay????? B):lol:

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You can use a game hunting camera, buy the 4 GB SD chip, subscribe to the new service that will be offered from that new tower being built, and then you should be on your way to watching all your friends have a good time while your setting at home drueling on your PC. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Happy hunting/drueling.

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The House will vote later tonight on a bill to increase the debt ceiling by $2.4 trillion dollars. The measure, offered by the head of the Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI), will not include any cuts to spending. The vote is largely symbolic and is a test vote to challenge Democratic lawmakers' position as the Republican-dominated House has indicated it would not support an increase to the debt ceiling without reductions to spending.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said the debt ceiling must be lifted by August 2nd to prevent the U.S. from defaulting on its loans.

Meanwhile, bipartisan discussions with Vice President Biden continue on a plan to reduce the nations debt and deficit ahead of the August 2nd deadline.

The Senate voted last week on four different budget different proposals by: Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), President Obama, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), and Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA). All failed.

Gold and Silver will either make a major turn upward, or down soon. This will be easy to see how our situation will either continue to deteriorate, or improve. Especially for the middle class.

Every American should be watching this for the sake of their own personal benefit/investment.

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